There and then, that was all that appeared necessary.


Glenda and Nutt had also wanted to find a place a little out of the way and, if possible, dark. Fortuitously she had pulled out of her pocket a pair of tickets, placed there by Dr Hix in his attempt to spread darkness and despondency throughout the world by the means of amateur dramatics, to the Dolly Sisters Players' production of Starcrossed by Hwel the Playwright. They sat hand in hand, watching it solemnly, feeling the ripples move them, then discussed it as they walked back through the city, carefully skirting the chanting bands of happy, drunken supporters.

'What did you think?' said Nutt, after a while. 'About the play, I mean.'

'I don't see that it was that romantic,' said Glenda. 'To be honest, I thought it was a bit silly.'

'It is widely regarded as one of the great romantic plays of the last fifty years,' said Nutt.

'Really? But what type of example are they setting? First of all, didn't anyone in Genua, even in those days, know how to take a pulse? Is a little first-aid knowledge too much to expect? Even a hand mirror would have helped and there are quite a number of respectable places where you can take a pulse.'

'I think that's because neither of them were thinking about themselves, perhaps,' said Nutt.

'Neither of them was thinking at all,' said Glenda, 'and they certainly weren't thinking about each other as people. A little common sense and they would be alive. It's made-up, like books. I don't think anyone sensible would act like that.'

He squeezed her hand. 'Sometimes you speak like Ladyship,' he said, 'and that reminds me.'

'Reminds you of what?'

'It's time for me to meet my maker.'

Andy Shank walked unsteadily among the night-time alleys, secure in the knowledge that they contained nothing worse than him, a belief which, as it happened, was in error.

'Mister Shank?'

'Who's asking?' he said, turning around and reaching instinctively into his coat for his new cutlass.

But another knife, silver and thin, sliced twice and a foot expertly stamped the length of his shin and forced him to the ground. 'Me! I'm the happy ending. You can call me the good fairy. Don't worry, you'll be able to see by the time you wipe the blood out of your eyes and, as they say, now you won't have to pay for a drink in any bar in this town, though I suspect you never have.'

His attacker leaned nonchalantly against the wall.

'And the reason I am doing this, Mister Shank, is that I am a bastard. I am an old bugger. I am a sod. They let you get away with it because they were nice people and, you know, the world needs someone like me to set the balance square. Since before you were born I have known people like you. Tormentors, bullies and thieves. Ah yes, thieves. Thieves of other people's self-respect. Thieves of their peace of mind. Now Mister Nutt, he's an orc and I've heard that he can talk people better. Well, so be it, say I. If it works, he's a genius, but that don't square things, not in my book, so I thought you ought to meet Pepe, just to say hello. If I ever see you again, they'll never find all the pieces, but just to show that I have a decent streak, here's something to put on your wounds.'

Something landed softly near Andy's groping hand.

Andy, dripping blood and snot on to the pavement, reached around quickly as the trim little footsteps disappeared, thinking only of getting the blood out of his eyes and revenge and retribution out of his heart. And in the circumstances, therefore, he should not have wiped the half-lemon across his face.

You think it's all over?

It is a regrettable fact that when two people are dining at a very large and impressive dining table they sit at the opposite ends of the long axis. This is incredibly stupid and makes conversation difficult and the passing of food impossible, but even Lord Vetinari and Lady Margolotta had apparently signed up to the idea.

On the other hand, they both ate very little and so there wasn't very much to pass.

'Your secretary seems to be getting on very well with my librarian,' said Lady Margolotta.

'Yes,' observed Vetinari. 'Apparently they are comparing ring binders. He has invented a new one.'

'Well, for the proper working of the world,' said Lady Margolotta, 'it is essential that ring binders are important to at least one person.' She put down her glass and looked towards the door.

'You seem nervous,' said Vetinari. 'Are you wondering how he will come?'

'He has had a very long day and a remarkably successful one. And you say he's gone to an amateur dramatics performance?'

'Yes, with that very forthright young lady who makes the pies,' said Vetinari.

'I see,' said Lady Margolotta. 'He must know I am here and he's gone off with a cook?'