Ladyship yawned. 'Well, it relieves the boredom, at least. They've spent far more time arguing than playing.'

Vetinari smiled. 'Yes, madam. It does look as if football is very much like diplomacy: short periods of fighting followed by long periods of negotiation.'

Glenda prodded the Librarian. 'Hello? Are you all right?' All she could hear was a gurgling. She cupped her hands, 'Man - er, someone down, here!'

To another chorus of boos, and, because this was Ankh-Morpork, cheers, the travelling committee, which was what the game had now become, hastened over to the Unseen Academicals' goal.

'Someone threw a banana and I saw who did it and I think it's poisoned,' said Glenda, all in one breath.

'He's breathing very heavily,' said Ridcully. The comment was unnecessary as the snores were making the goal rattle.

He crouched down and put his ear to the Librarian's chest. 'I don't think he's been poisoned,' he said.

'Why's that, Archchancellor?' said Ponder.

'Because if anyone has poisoned our Librarian,' said Ridcully, 'then, although I am not, by nature, a vindictive man, I will see to it that this university hunts down the poisoner by every thaumic, mystic and occult means available and makes the rest of their life not only as horrible as they can imagine it, but as horrible as I can imagine it. And you can depend on it, gentlemen, that I have already started work on it.'

Ponder looked around until he saw Rincewind. 'Professor Rincewind. You were, I mean you are, his friend, can't you stick your fingers down his throat or something?'

'Well, no,' said Rincewind. 'I am very attached to my fingers and I like to think of them as attached to me.'

The noise of the crowd was getting louder. They were here to see football, not a debate.

'But Doctor Lawn is still here,' Rincewind volunteered. 'He makes a living out of sticking his hand in things. He's got the knack.'

'Ah, yes,' said the referee. 'Perhaps we can impose upon him to take another patient.' He turned to Ridcully. 'You must play your other substitute.'

'That would be Trevor Likely,' said the Archchancellor.

'No!' blurted out Trev. 'I promised my ol' mum.'

'I thought you were part of the team?' said Ridcully.

'Well, yes, sir, sort of... helpin' out and all that... I promised my ol' mum, sir, after Dad died. I know I was down on the list, but who would have thought it would have turned out like this?'

Ridcully stared at the sky. 'Well, it seems to me, gentlemen, that we cannot ask a man to break a promise made to an old mum. That would be a crime more heinous than murder. We will have to play with ten men. It appears that we will have to go without.'

Up in his ramshackle box, the editor of the Times picked up his notebook and said, 'I'm going down there. It's ridiculous to sit up here like this.'

'You're going on the pitch, sir?'

'Yes. At least that way I can see what's happening.'

'I don't think the referee will allow that, sir!'

'You're not going to play, Trev?' said Glenda.

'I told you! How many times do I need to tell people? I promised my ol' mum!'

'But you are part of the team, Trev.'

'I promised my ol' mum!'

'Yes, but I am sure she'd understand.'

'That's easy for you to say. We'll never know, will we?'

'Not necessarily,' said a voice cheerfully.