Bertie was silent.

"Come on girl, it's not like you to be scared away from something. If you are not in danger then what is the hurry? You love a challenge. Can you imagine what will happen to your business if you pull this off? Your waiting list will explode from 6 months to 6 years."

"It's a secret wedding Marianna" Roberta reminded her assistant, whom she admired for not backing down. This is why she had suggested a vacation. Marianna was a hard worker, but an even harder player. She needed a break every now and then. Roberta knew that Marianna would come back to the office refreshed, invigorated, and ready to work 80 hours a week.

"It's only secret now, afterwards EVERYBODY will be talking about it. Look I didn't want to tell you this before you left, but I don't know if you fully grasp how rich this Mr. Leon is. He is filthy rich Roberta. He could buy Bill Gates ten times over. If you satisfy his quirky desire to surprise his girlfriend into marrying him, you will be so in demand that you will be able to name your price and there will be a line of filthy rich people just chomping at the bit to hand their cash over to you. Forget vacationing in St. Bart's honey, you could own your own island.

Mariana had a point. She would not let this little mishap scare her away. She would have to try and assemble her professionalism. Maybe Mr. Leon and Henderson would never know of the incident with the blue-eyed beauty. They didn't even want Roberta to meet her in the first place. She would throw herself into her work and plan a wedding so beautiful and magnificent Mr. Leon and his blue-eyed beauty would think that they were living in a fairy tale.

Roberta hung up her cell. She didn't want to keep Mariana any longer. She looked at the bed and noticed her suitcase. She unzipped the Louis Vuitton bag and found a pair of blush pink silk pajamas laying on the very top. It was just like Mariana to anticipate the perfect wardrobe, even for sleeping in. She put them on and began to feel more comfortable in her own skin. Her stomach grumbled and Roberta realized how late it was. She wasn't used to skipping dinner. In fact she couldn't remember the last time that she skipped a meal. She thought it a bit odd that Henderson hadn't mentioned if and when dinner would be served. He had seemed so meticulous that it seemed out of character for him to overlook something as basic as a meal. She would just have to make her way to the kitchen and sneak a little something to tide her over until breakfast.

Roberta walked stealthily down the hallway. Her slippered feet were silent and made her step lighter than her black pumps had when they first traversed this long and seemingly endless corridor. She found her way back to Henderson's office and noticed that the door was shut. Henderson must have retired for the night, she thought. She silently opened the kitchen door and slipped in.

"Good evening"

Roberta jumped.

"I apologize. I did not mean to frighten you." It was Mr. Leon. He had aged a little from the photograph that Roberta had seen in the hallway. The wrinkles around his eyes had deepened, and his hair had a few streaks of gray, but it still looked soft. Roberta had to will her hand not to reach out and stroke it.

"I was hungry." she admitted.

"Henderson set you out a light supper. He was going to bring it to your room, but I told him not to."


"Call me curious, I wanted to see how long it would take you to wander down to the kitchen. I did not think that it would take too long for a woman built like you to feel the urge to feed her appetite. It looks like I was right."

Roberta should have been offended. She would have been if it was Tore who made such an off-handed remark about her size but it did not seem like an insult coming from Mr. Leon. In fact, it seemed like a compliment. She decided to take it as such and sat down to satisfy her cravings. She uncovered the platter and a delicious aroma filled her nostrils. Henderson had outdone himself. The light supper turned out to be roast chicken, stuffing and biscuits. She began to eat. The food was delicious.

"I apologize for not meeting you earlier." Mr. Leon said. Roberta waved her hand. She was not about to speak to Mr. Leon with a mouth full of stuffing.

"How is the food?" he asked. Roberta swallowed.

"Delicious" she answered.