
You are the loveliest woman that I have ever met. I do not regret one moment of what transpired between us last night and hope that you will feel the same. It is because I care for you so, and sense that you have an understanding heart, that I feel I need to confess the truth to you. I knew all along of Jeremy's plans for a secret wedding. I love him and only wish to make him happy. That is why I cannot marry him. This is my great sadness, the misery of my life. Jeremy wants nothing more than to give life as a father. He wants to pass on his wealth and love to a son or daughter. He would be the most wonderful and caring father. I think that he has been patiently waiting for this pivotal milestone for as long as he can remember. I cannot fulfill that wish. That is my deepest secret.

I am not able to carry his child. When I discovered this flaw in my body, I did everything that I could to correct it. I saw specialists, spiritual advisors and psychics. Nobody could help. That is when I found you. I searched for a woman who was the opposite of me. I hoped that a woman who had a soft and beautiful body would be strong enough to carry Jeremy's child.

I have been watching you Roberta. I hope that does not scare you, but you deserve to know the truth. I hired detectives to trail you. I employed hackers to infiltrate your data. I read every email, every text. I had to be sure that you not only had a strong body, but a kind heart as well. I knew that you were not in love with your boyfriend. A woman can tell.

After I had thoroughly investigated you and made my decision, I sought Henderson's help. He loves Jeremy as much as I do. Together we planted the seed of a secret wedding into Jeremy's mind. We knew that it would be the only way for you to meet. He cares for you; a woman can sense that as well. He might not yet know the depth of his emotion, but I assure you that a spark was ignited last night. I am so glad that we could join together, all three of us in one final act of love. I like to know that I was present at the moment that Jeremy became a father. I believe that you are carrying his child Roberta. Thank you for doing this for him. For fulfilling a desire that I could not. You will never know the depths of my gratitude.

I took the wedding folder when I left this note. I watched you sleep. You looked so peaceful. I have also written Jeremy a letter, explaining the situation to him. I am leaving Roberta. I am disappearing into the night and neither you nor Jeremy will ever find me. So please do not try. Perhaps I will come back someday, if I can bear it. Just know that I love you both as I love your unborn child.

All my love,


Roberta read the letter mechanically, and then she read it again this time allowing the emotions of every word sink in. She then folded it carefully and lovingly, then slipped in into her bag. Could what Cynthia was telling her be true? Was she carrying Jeremy's child? She could not help but hope that it was somehow true. Her hand gently touched her stomach as a smile crept over her face. She had not ever even thought about becoming a mother before. Perhaps this was because she had not yet met anybody who she wanted to make a father. She wanted to make Jeremy a father. Roberta laughed to herself. This was the craziest 24 hours she had ever experienced.

She again padded down the familiar route to the kitchen. She had butterflies in her stomach. What would she say if she met Jeremy there again? She had met and cared for Cynthia after only knowing her for a few short hours. Cynthia had been the love of Jeremy's life, the woman that he wanted to bestow a lavish surprise wedding on, in the hopes that she would agree to spend the rest of her life with him.

Jeremy was not in the kitchen, only the cook and kitchen staff. Busy as bees cleaning up the mess of the morning's breakfast while preparing for this afternoon's lunch. When they saw her they only paused briefly, calling her ma'am and nodding their heads with a smile after the ascertained that she needed nothing from them. She went to Henderson's office and knocked on the door. There was no answer. She attempted to turn the handle, but it was locked.

Roberta made her way back to the lounge. Back to the place that had been the set of the most poignant and beautiful moment of her life. She opened the door and discovered that she was not the alone in the desire to return. Jeremy was sitting in his leather chair. He was holding a crumpled up letter, written on the same expensive stationary that Roberta's had been. Tears were streaming down his face. He looked up at her with such pain in his eyes. Roberta knew that she would do anything if it meant that she could take that pain away. She walked over to him. He sunk down to the floor. She perched on the chair behind him and began to wordlessly stroke his hair. It was as softer than she imagined it would be. Every stroke seemed to increase her love and desire for this man. With every stroke, she had to admit to herself that she was finally falling more and more deeply in love with Jeremy. He looked up at her and finally spoke.