"You first"

Roberta pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes. She was not sure how revealing she should make her truths and how silly she should make her lie. She decided to really test Jeremy's ability to ascertain the truth.

"First," she began "I mistook Henderson for you when he answered the door. "Second-My favorite color is rose-petal pink. Third- I have never been in love"

Jeremy bit his lip.

"Your first truth is easy to decipher" he said "Everyone mistakes Henderson for me, he has the air of a billionaire and the wardrobe to go with it.

Roberta giggled "That he does"

"Your next two however are pose a little bit more of a challenge. You favorite color could most absolutely be rose-petal pink. It certainly would complement your complexion. I see how you would receive streams of compliments whenever you wear the shade. But, perhaps you did not wish to reveal a personal secret to me, and so you lied about your favorite color. Even if only the shade. You might adore pink, but a deeper magenta that matches your personality."

Roberta remained stone-faced. She did not want to give anything away. Roberta was competitive and it would give her a little thrill to be able to deceive this powerful man.

"Now as for being in love, any woman who is as beautiful as you would most undoubtedly have a string of suitors, I have no doubt that you have ever to experience a Friday night at home alone without having turned down three men willing to wine and dine you. But, to be loved is quite a different thing than being in love. As much as I want to believe that you have not had to go through life without ever being in love, I am going to go out on a limb and say the other truth is that you have never been in love. Am I right?"

"You are", Roberta said amazed. "My favorite color is gold."

"My turn" Jeremy said then he crossed his legs and tapped his forehead as he pondered what truths and lie to reveal. Roberta leaned forward in anticipation.

"Here we go Roberta. One- I never go sailing because I get dreadfully seasick. Two- I prefer the taste of molasses over the taste of caviar. Three- The one thing I have yet to accomplish and fear that I never will, is to be a father. Take your time"

Roberta took her time. She did not wish to pontificate aloud as she reasoned through the two truths and a lie. She was silent for several minutes. Jeremy sat patiently in the chair and did not pressure her to make a quick decision.

"You don't strike me as the kind of person who gets seasick." she said "I'll bet you that your stomach is as tough as nails.

"You got me!" Jeremy exclaimed, and as he did Roberta was briefly saddened. How distressing it was that she had never been in love and that Jeremy had not yet fulfilled his desire to become a father. How out of the ordinary that she felt the need to reveal the truth to this stranger that she had not admitted to anyone else. She had not even told Marianna that she had never been in love. Marianna seemed to fall in love with a new man every other week, and revealed to Roberta the deepest feelings of her heart, never noticing that Roberta seemed to avoid the subject of love altogether. She could barely even admit it to herself. She had been so successful in life. She had made her living, and an enviable one at that, by planning the ceremony that joined two people in love together for life. Every day she met with people who were so in love, that they were willing to spend the rest of their lives with another person. Roberta wondered for the first time if she had chosen her occupation in order to bask in the light of the love of others in order to fill the void in her heart.

"Is it too late to join in on the fun?" a feminine voice asked and Roberta went rigid in anticipation and fear.

"Of course darling" Jeremy replied." Roberta, it is my pleasure to introduce you to my love, Cynthia."

"We've met" Roberta answered. Jeremy didn't look surprised.

"But I left before revealing my true identity." Cynthia said. She was dressed in a black silk dressing gown. It made an interesting contrast. Her light skin covered in black and Roberta's darker complexion enclosed by white. Cynthia's robe hung loosely from her slender frame while Roberta's pajama set hugged her curvy flesh.