Serafine glared at her, then turned on her heel and ran back into the ruins of the castle. The other werewolves shrank back from Angua as if her stare was a whip.

"If you can"t help these men," said Vimes to the kneeling Igor, "your future does not look good."

Igor nodded. "Thith one," he said, indicating Tantony, "fleth woundth, I can thtitch him up a treat, no problem. Thith one," he tapped Carrot, "... nasty break on the arm." He glanced up. "Marthter Wolfgang been playing again?"

"Can you make him well?" snapped Vimes.

"No, it"th hith lucky day," said Igor. "I can make him better. I"ve got thome kidneyth jutht in, a lovely little pair, belonged to young Mithter Crapanthy, hardly touched a drop of thtrong licker, thame about the avalanche..."

"Does he need them?" said Angua.

"No, but you thould never mith an opportunity to improve yourthelf, I alwayth thay."

Igor grinned. It was a strange sight. The scars crawled around his face like caterpillars.

"Just see to the arm," said Vimes firmly.

The Baroness reappeared, flanked by several werewolves. They also backed away as Angua spun around.

"Take it," said Serafine. "Take the wretched thing. It"s a fake. No crime has been committed!"

"I"m a policeman," said Vimes. "I can always find a crime."

The sleigh slid under its own weight down the track towards Bonk, the town"s watchmen running alongside it and giving it the occasional push. With their captain down they were lost and bewildered and in no mood to take orders from Vimes, but they did what Angua commanded because Angua was of the class that traditionally gave them orders.

The two casualties were bedded down on blankets.

"Angua?" said Vimes.

"Yes, sir?"

"There"s wolves keeping pace with us. I can see them running between the trees."

"I know."

"Are they on our side?"

"Let"s just say they"re not on anyone else"s side yet, shall we? They don"t like me much, but they know... Gavin did, and right now that"s what"s important. Some of them are out looking for my brother."

"Would he have survived that? It was a long way down."

"Well, it wasn"t fire or silver. There"s nothing but white water for miles. It probably hurt a lot, but we heal amazingly well, sir."

"Look, I"m sorry that - "

"No, Mister Vimes, you"re not. You shouldn"t be. Carrot just didn"t understand what Wolfgang is like. You can"t beat something like him in a fair fight. I know he"s family, but... personal is not the same as important. Carrot always said that."

"Says that," said Lady Sybil sharply.


Carrot opened his eyes. "What... happened back there?" he said. "Wolfgang hit you," said Angua. She wiped his brow.

"What with?" Carrot tried to push himself upwards, winced and fell back.

"What have I always told you about the Marquis of Fantailler?" said Vimes.

"Sorry, sir."