'What kind of escape is that?' said Fair Go. 'That's no way to behave. I didn't have to come up here, I gave up a good spot at the Galah for this, 's not a good hanging without a meat pie.' He leaned closer and gave a furtive look both ways before continuing: 'Say what you like, the Galah's good for business. Their money's the same as anyone else's, that's what I say.'

'Well . . . yes. Obviously. Otherwise it'd be . . . different money,' said Rincewind. 'So, since your night's ruined, why not just show me where the docks are?' There was still some uncertainty in Dibbler's stance. Rincewind swallowed. He'd faced spiders, angry men with spears and bears that dropped on you out of trees, but now the continent was presenting him with its most dangerous challenge. Tell you what,' he said, 'I'll . . . I'll even . . . buy . . . something off you?' The rope?'

'Not the rope. Not the rope. Um . . . I know this may seem a somewhat esoteric question, but what's in the meat pies?'


'And what kind of meat?'

'Ah, you want one of the gourmet meat pies, then?'

'Oh, I see. That's where you say what's in them?'


'Before or after the customers have bitten into them?'

'Are you suggesting that my pies ain't right?'

'Let us say I'm inching my way to the possibility that they might be, shall we? All right, I'll try a gourmet pie.'

'Good on yer.' Dibbler removed a pie from the little heated section of his tray. 'Now . . . what's the meat? Cat?'

'Do you mind? Mutton's cheaper'n cat,' said Dibbler, upending the pie into a dish. 'Well, that's—' Rincewind's face screwed up. 'Oh, no, you're pouring pea soup all over it too. Why does everyone always pour pea soup over it!'

'No worries, mate. Puts a lining on your stomach,' said Dibbler, producing a red bottle. 'And what's that?'

'The cut de grass, mate.'

'You're tipping a meat pie into a dish of pea soup and now you want me to eat it with . . . with tomato sauce on it?'

'Pretty colours, ain't they?' said Fair Go, handing Rincewind a spoon. Rincewind prodded the pie. It rebounded gently off the side of the dish. Well, now . . . He'd eaten Cut-Me-Own-Throat Dibbler's sausages-in-a-bun, and Disembowel-Meself-Honourably Dibhala's funny-coloured antique eggs. And he'd survived, although there had been a few minutes when he'd hoped he wouldn't. He'd eaten Al-Jiblah's highly suspicious cous-cous, drunk the terrible yak-butter tea made by May-I-Never- Achieve-Enlightenment Dhiblang, forced down the topless, bottomless smorgasbord of Dib Diblossonson and tried not to chew the lumps of unmentionable blubber purveyed by May-I- Be-Kicked-In-My-Own-Ice-Hole Dibooki (his stomach heaved at the memory of that – after all, it was one thing to butcher dead beached whales and quite another just to leave them there until they exploded into bite sized chunks of their own accord). As for the green beer made by Swallow-Me-Own-Blowdart Dlang-Dlang . . . He'd drunk and eaten all these things. Everywhere in the world, someone turned up out of some strange primal mould to sell him a really dreadful regional delicacy. And this was just a pie, after all. How bad could it be? No, put it another way . . . How much worse could it be?

He swallowed a mouthful. 'Good, eh?' said Fair Go. 'My gods,' said Rincewind. 'They're not just any mushy peas,' said Fair Go, slightly disconcerted by the fact that Rincewind was staring wildly at nothing. 'They're mushed by a champion pea musher.'

'Good grief . . .' said Rincewind. 'Are you all right, mister?'

'It's . . . everything I expected . . .' said Rincewind. 'Now, mister, it ain't that bad—'

'You're certainly a Dibbler.'

'What kind of thing is that to say?'

'You put pies upside down in runny peas and then put sauce on them. Someone actually sat down one day, after midnight if I'm any judge, and thought that would be a good idea. No one will ever believe this one.' Rincewind looked at the submerged pie. That's going to make the story about the land of the giant walking plum puddings look very tame, I don't mind telling you. No wonder you people drink so much beer . . .'[20] He stepped out into the flickering lamplight of :he street, shaking his head. 'You actually eat the pies here,' he said mournfully, and looked up into the face of the warder. There were several watchmen behind him. 'That's him!' Rincewind nodded cheerfully. 'G'day!' he said. Two little thuds were his home-made sandals bouncing on the street. The sea steamed and crackling balls of lightning zipped across its surface like drops of water on a hotplate. The waves were too big to be waves, but about the right size for mountains. Ponder looked up from the deck only once, just as the boat began to slide down a trough that gaped like a canyon. Next to him, and gripping his leg, the Dean groaned.

not working!' said Ponder, tapping the thaumometer as the ship rocked under them. The needle's . . . Oow!' He dropped the cube, which was molten by the time it hit the deck. 'That's impossible!' he said. These things are good up to a million thaums!' Ridcully licked his finger and held it up. It sprouted a halo of purple and octarine. 'Yep, that's about right,' he said. 'There's not that much magic anywhere any more!' shouted Ponder.

There was a gale behind the boat now. Ahead, the wall of storm was widening and seemed to be a lot blacker. 'How much magic does it take to create a continent?' said Ridcully. They looked up at the clouds. And further up. 'We'd better batten down the hatches,' said the Dean. 'We don't have any hatches.'

'Batten down Mrs Whitlow at least. Get the Bursar and the Librarian somewhere safe—' They hit the storm. Rincewind dropped into an alley and reflected that he'd been in far worse prisons. The Ecksians were a friendly lot, when not drunk or trying to kill you or both. What Rincewind looked for in a good gaol were guards who, instead of ruining everyone's night by prowling around the corridors, got together in one room with a few tins and a pack of cards and relaxed. It made it so much more . . . friendly. And, of course, easier to walk past. He turned – and there was the kangaroo, huge and bright and outlined against the sky. Rincewind shrank back for a moment and then realized that it was nothing but an advertising sign on the roof of a building some way off and further down the hill. Someone had rigged up lamps and mirrors below it. It had a hat on, with some stupid holes for its cars to stick out, and it wore a vest as well, but it was certainly the kangaroo. No other kangaroo could possibly smirk like that. And it was holding a tin of beer. 'Where did you drift in from, curly?' said a voice behind him. It was a very familiar voice. It had a sort of complaining wheedle in it. It was a voice that kept looking out of the corners of its eyes and was always ready to dodge. It was a voice you could have used to open a bottle of whine. He turned. And the figure in front of him, except for a few details, was as familiar as the voice. 'You can't be called Dibbler,' said Rincewind. 'Why not?'

'Because— Well, how did you get here?'

'What? I just came up Berk Street,' said the figure. It had a large hat, and large shorts, and large boots, but in every other respect it was the double of the man who, in Ankh-Morpork,

was always there after the pubs shut to sell you one of his very special meat pies. Rincewind had a theory that there was a Dibbler everywhere. Suspended from the neck of this one was a tray. On the front of the tray was written 'Dibbler's Cafe de Feet.'

'I reckoned I'd better get up to the gaol early for a good pitch,' said Dibbler. 'Always gives the crowd an appetite, a good hanging. Can I interest you in anything, mate?' Rincewind looked at the end of the alley. The streets were quite busy. As he watched, a couple of guards strolled by. 'Such as what?' he said suspiciously, drawing back into the shadows. 'Got some good broadsheet ballads about the notorious outlaw they're gonna top . . .?'