'Just some blancmange and some, you know, that sort of jam made out of meat...'


'Yes. I thought it would be a little treat...

Vimes nodded. Rich, mushy food. The sort you'd give to a baby who was peaky and to a granny who hadn't got any teeth.

Well, he was on the roof now, the clouds were black and threatening, and he might as well wave the lightning conductor. Time to ask...

The wrong question, as it proved.

Tell me,' he said, 'what did Mrs Easy die of?' 'Let me put it like this,' said Cheery. 'If these rats had been poisoned with lead instead of arsenic, you'd have been able to sharpen their noses and use them as a pencil.'

She lowered the beaker.

'Are you sure?' said Carrot.


'Wee Mad Arthur wouldn't poison rats, would he? Especially not rats that were going to be eaten.'

'I've heard he doesn't like dwarfs much,' said Angua.

'Yes, but business is business. No one who does a lot of business with dwarfs likes them much, and he must supply every dwarf cafe and delicatessen in the city.'

'Maybe they ate arsenic before he caught them?' said Angua.'People use it as a rat poison, after all...'

'Yes,' said Carrot, in a very deliberate way. 'They do.'

'You're not suggesting that Vetinari tucks into a nice rat every day?' said Angua.

'I've heard he uses rats as spies, so I don't think he uses them as elevenses,' said Carrot. 'But it'd be nice to know where Wee Mad Arthur gets his from, don't you think?'

'Commander Vimes said he was looking after the Vetinari case,' said Angua.

'But we're just finding out why Gimlet's rats are full of arsenic/ said Carrot, innocently. 'Anyway, I was going to ask Sergeant Colon to look into it.'

'But... Wee Mad Arthur?' said Angua. 'He's mad.'

'Fred can take Nobby with him. I'll go and tell him. Um. Cheery?'

'Yes, Captain?'

'You've been, er, you've been trying to hide your face from me ... oh. Did someone hit you?'

'No, sir!'

'Only your eyes look a bit bruised and your lips-'

'I'm fine, sir!' said Cheery desperately.

'Oh, well, if you say so. I'll... er, I'll... look for Sergeant Colon, then ...

He backed out, embarrassed.

That left the two of them. All girls together, thought Angua. One normal girl between the two of us, at any rate.

'I don't think the mascara works,' Angua said. 'The lipstick's fine but the mascara... I don't think so.'