Mr Cheese didn't look up from the glass he was polishing. 'I know that was you, Constable Thighbiter,' he said calmly. There's two dollars and thirty pence on your slate, thank you very much.'

The thieves drew closer together. Bars shouldn't act like this. And they fancied they could hear the faint sliding noises of assorted weapons being drawn from various sheaths.

'Haven't I seen you before?' said Carrot.

'Oh gods, it's him,' moaned one of the men. The bread-thrower!'

'I thought Mr Ironcrust was taking you to the Thieves' Guild,' Carrot went on.

There was a bit of an argument about taxes...'

'Don't tell him!'

Carrot tapped his head. The tax forms!' he said. 'I expect Mr Ironcrust is worried I've forgotten about them!'

The thieves were now so close together they looked like a fat six-armed man with a very large bill for hats.

'Er ... Watchmen aren't allowed to kill people, right?' said one of them.

'Not while we're on duty,' said Vimes.

The boldest of the three moved suddenly, grabbed Angua and pulled her upright. 'We walk out of here unharmed or the girl gets it, all right?' he snarled.

Someone sniggered.

'I hope you're not going to kill anyone,' said Carrot.

That's up to us!'

'Sorry, was I talking to you?' said Carrot.

'Don't worry, I'll be fine,' said Angua. She looked around to make sure Cheery wasn't there, and then sighed. 'Come on, gentlemen, let's get it over with.'

'Don't play with your food!' said a voice from the crowd.

There were one or two giggles until Carrot turned in his seat, whereupon everyone was suddenly intensely interested in their drinks.

'It's okay,' said Angua quietly.

Aware that something was out of kilter, but not quite sure what it was, the thieves edged back to the door. No one moved as they unbolted it and, still holding Angua, stepped out into the fog, shutting the door behind them.

'Hadn't we better help?' said a constable who was new to the Watch.

They don't deserve help,' said Vimes.

There was a clank of armour and then a long, deep growl, right outside in the street.

And a scream. Ancl then another scream. And a third scream, modulated with 'NONONOnonononononoNO!... aarghaargh aargh!' Something heavy hit the door.

Vimes turned back to Carrot. 'You and Constable Angua,' he said. 'You ... er ... get along all right?'

'Fine, sir/ said Carrot.

'Some people might think that, er, there might be, er, problems...'

There was a thud, and then a faint bubbling noise.

'We work around them, sir,' said Carrot, raising his voice slightly.