Sergeant Colon looked up from the desk, and gasped. 'You okay, Nobby?' he said, hurrying around to support the swaying figure. 'It's terrible, Fred. Terrible!' 'Here, take a seat. You're all pale.'

'I've been elevated, Fred!' moaned Nobby.

'Nasty! Did you see who did it?'

Nobby wordlessly handed him the scroll Dragon King of Arms had pressed into his hand, and flopped back. He took a tiny length of home-made cigarette from behind his ear and lit it with a shaking hand. 'I dunno, I'm sure,' he said. 'You do your best, you keep your head down, you don't make any trouble, and then something like this happens to you.'

Colon read the scroll slowly, his lips moving when he came to difficult words like 'and' and 'the'. 'Nobby, you've read this? It says you're a lord!'

'The old man said they'd have to do a lot of checking up but he thought it was pretty clear what with the ring and all. Fred, what am I gonna do?'

'Sit back and eat off ermine plates, I should think!'

That's just it, Fred. There's no money. No big house. No land. Not a brass farthing!'

'What, nothing?'

'Not a dried pea, Fred.'

'I thought all the upper crust had pots of money.'

'Well, I'm the crust on its uppers, Fred. I don't know anything about lording! I don't want to have to wear posh clothes and go to hunt balls and all that stuff.'

Sergeant Colon sat down beside him. 'You never suspected you'd got any posh connections?'

'Well... my cousin Vincent once got done for indecently assaulting the Duchess of Quirm's housemaid...'

'Chambermaid or scullery maid?'

'Scullery maid, I think.'

'Probably doesn't count, then. Does anyone else know about this?'

'Well, she did, and she went and told... '

'I mean about your lordshipping. '

'Only Mr Vimes.'

'Well, there you are,' said Sergeant Colon, handing him back the scroll. 'You don't have to tell anyone. Then you don't have to go around wearing golden trousers, and you needn't hunt balls unless you've lost 'em. You just sit there, and I'll fetch you a cup of tea, how about that? We'll see it through, don't you worry. '

'You're a toff, Fred.'

'That makes two of us, m'lord!' Colon waggled his eyebrows. 'Get it? Get it?'

'Don't, Fred,' said Nobby wearily.

The Watch-House door opened.

Fog poured in like smoke. In the midst of it were two red eyes. The parting shreds revealed the massive figure of a golem.

'Umpk,' said Sergeant Colon.

The golem held up its slate:


'Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I've, er, yeah, I can see that,' said Colon.