'There's probably enough material for you to make two for one.'

'D'you mind if I share them out? Only some of the lads - the ladies at the Watch House' - Cheri savoured the word 'ladies' - 'are beginning to get a bit thoughtful

'Going to melt down their helmets, are they?' said Angua.

'Oh, no. But perhaps they could be made into a more attractive design. Er...'



Cheri shifted uneasily.

'You've never actually eaten anyone, have you? You know... crunching bones and so on?'


'I mean, I only heard my second cousin was eaten by werewolves. He was called Sfen.'

'Can't say I recall the name,' said Angua.

Cheri tried to grin. That's all right, then,' she said.

'So you won't need that silver spoon in your pocket,' said Angua.

Cheri's mouth dropped open, and then the words tumbled over themselves. 'Er ... I don't know how it got there it must have dropped in when I was washing up oh I didn't mean - '

'It doesn't worry me, honestly. I'm used to it.'

'But I didn't think you'd - '

'Look, don't get the wrong idea. It's not a case of not wanting to,' said Angua. 'It's a case of wanting to and not doing it.'

'You don't really have to go, do you?'

'Oh, I don't know if I can take the Watch seriously and... and sometimes I think Carrot's working up to ask me ... and, well, it'd never work out. It's the way he just assumes everything, you know? So best to go now,' Angua lied.

'Won't Carrot try to stop you?'

'Yes, but there's nothing he can say.'

'He'll be upset.'

'Yes,' said Angua briskly, throwing another dress on the bed. 'And then he'll get over it.'

'Hrolf Thighbiter's asked me out,' said Cheri shyly, looking at the floor. 'And I'm almost certain he's male!'

'Glad to hear it.'

Cheri stood up. 'I'll walk with you as far as the Watch House. I've got to go on duty.'

They were half-way along Elm Street before they saw Carrot, head and shoulders above the crowd.

'Looks like he was coming to see you,' said Cheri. 'Er, shall I go away?'

Too late...'

'Ah, good morning, Corporal Miss Little-bottom!' said Carrot cheerfully. 'Hello, Angua. I was just coming to see you but I had to write my letter home first, of course.'