Something fell out of its hand.

It was short, and white. A piece of matchstick, by the look of it. Carrot picked it up and stared at it. Then he looked at the list Colon had drawn up. It was quite long, and consisted of every unsolved crime in the city for the past couple of months.

'It's confessed to all these?'

'Not yet,' said Nobby.

'We haven't read 'em all out yet,' said Colon.

Dorfl wrote:


'Hey!' said Colon. 'Mr Vimes is going to be really pleased with us!'

Carrot walked up to the golem. There was a faint orange glow in its eyes.

'Did you kill Father Tubelcek?' he said.


'See?' said Sergeant Colon. 'You can't argue with that.'

'Why did you do it?' said Carrot.

No reply.

'And Mr Hopkinson at the Bread Museum?'


'You beat him to death with an iron bar?' said Carrot.


'Hang on,' said Colon, 'I thought you said he was... ?'

'Leave it, Fred,' said Carrot.' Why did you kill the old man, Dorfl?'

No reply.

'Does there have to be a reason? You can't trust golems, my dad always used to say/ said Colon. 'Turn on you soon as look at you, he said.'

'Have they ever killed anyone?' said Carrot.

'Not for want of thinking about it,' said Colon darkly. 'My dad said he had to work with one once and it used to look at him all the time. He'd turn around and there it would be ... looking at him.'

Dorfl sat staring straight in front.

'Shine a candle in its eyes!' said Nobby,

Carrot pulled a chair across the floor and straddled it, facing Dorfl. He absent-mindedly twirled the broken match between his fingers.

'I know you didn't kill Mr Hopkinson and I don't think you killed Father Tubelcek,' he said. 'I think he was dying when you found him. I think you tried to save him, Dorfl. In fact, I'm pretty sure I can prove it if I can see your chem - '

The light from the golem's flaring eyes filled the room. He stepped forward, fists upraised.