They eventually found Verence II, King of Lancre, in the stable yard.

Some people are born to kingship. Some achieve kingship, or at least Arch-Generalissimo-Father-of-His-Countryship. But Verence had kingship thrust upon him. He hadn't been raised to it, and had only arrived at the throne by way of one of those complicated mix-ups of fraternity and parentage that are all too common in royal families.

He had in fact been raised to be a Fool, a man whose job it was to caper and tell jokes and have custard poured down his trousers. This had naturally given him a grave and solemn approach to life and a grim determination never to laugh at anything ever again, especially in the presence of custard.

In the role of ruler, then, he had started with the advantage of ignorance. No one had ever told him how to be a king, so he had to find out for himself. He'd sent off for books on the subject. Verence was a great believer in the usefulness of knowledge derived from books.

He had formed the unusual opinion that the job of a king is to make the kingdom a better place for everyone to live in.

Now he was inspecting a complicated piece of equipment. It had a pair of shafts for a horse, and the rest of it looked like a cartful of windmills.

He glanced up, and smiled in an absentminded way.

“Oh, hello,” he said. “All back safe then?”

“Um-” Magrat began.

“It's a patent crop rotator,” said Verence. He tapped the machine. “Just arrived from Ankh-Morpork. The wave of the future, you know. I've really been getting interested in agricultural improvement and soil efficiency. We'll really have to get cracking on this new three-field system.”

Magrat was caught off balance.

“But I think we've only got three fields,” she said, “and there isn't much soil in-”

“It's very important to maintain the correct relationship between grains, legumes, and roots,” said Verence, raising his voice. “Also, I'm seriously considering clover. I should be interested to know what you think!”


“And I think we should do something about the pigs!” Verence shouted, “The Lancre Stripe! Is very hardy! But we could really bring the poundage up! By careful cross-breeding! With, say, the Sto Saddleback! I'm having a boar sent up - Shawn, will you only stop blowing that damn trumpet!”

Shawn lowered the trumpet.

“I'm doin' a fanfare, your majesty.”

“Yes, yes, but you're not supposed to go on. A few brief notes are a sufficiency.” Verence sniffed. “And something's burning.”

“Oh, blow . . . it's the carrots . . .” Shawn hurried away

“That's better,” said Verence. “Where were we?”

“Pigs, I think,” said Magrat, “but I really came to-”

“It all comes down to the soil,” said Verence. “Get the soil right, and everything else follows. Incidentally, I'm arranging the marriage for Midsummer Day I thought you'd like that.”

Magrat's mouth formed an 0.

“We could move it, of course, but not too much because of the harvest,” said Verence.

“I've had some invitations sent out already, to the more obvious guests,” said Verence.

“And I thought it might be a nice idea to have some sort of fair or festival beforehand,” said Verence.

“I asked Boggi's in Ankh-Morpork to send up their best dressmaker with a selection of materials and one of the maids is about your size and I think you'll be very pleased with the result,” said Verence.

“And Mr. Ironfoundersson, the dwarf, came down the mountain specially to make the crown,” said Verence.

“And my brother and Mr. Vittoller's Men can't come because they're touring Klatch, apparently, but Hwel the playsmith has written a special play for the wedding entertainment. Something even rustics can't muck up, he says,” said Verence.

“So that's all settled then?” said Verence.