“Ah, come on,” said Weaver. “What's wrong with it?”

“Goes up to the Dancers, that path does,” said Jason. “Me mam said no one was to go up to the Dancers 'cos of them young women dancing round 'em in the nudd.”

“Yeah, but they've been stopped from that,” said Thatcher. “Old Granny Weatherwax put her foot down hard and made 'em put their drawers on.”

“And they ain't to go there anymore, neither,” said Carter. “So it'll be nice and quiet for the rehearsing.”

“Me mam said no one was to go there,” said Jason, a shade uncertainly.

“Yeah, but she probably meant . . . you know . . . with magical intent,” said Carter. “Nothing magical about prancing around in wigs and stuff.”

“Right,” said Thatcher. “And it'll be really private.”

“And,” said Weaver, “if any young women fancies sneaking back up there to dance around without their drawers on, we'll be sure to see 'em.”

There was a moment of absolute, introspective silence.

“I reckon,” said Thatcher, voicing the unspoken views of nearly all of them, “we owes it to the community.”

“We-ell,” said Jason, “me mam said . . .”

“Anyway, your mum's a fine one to talk,” said Weaver. “My dad said that when he was young, your mum hardly ever had-”

“Oh, all right,” said Jason, clearly outnumbered. “Can't see it can do any harm. We're only actin'. It's . . . it's make-believe. It's not as if it's anything real. But no one's to do any dancing. Especially, and I want everyone to be absolutely definite about this, the Stick and Bucket dance.”

“Oh, we'll be acting all right,” said Weaver. “And keeping watch as well, o'course.”

“It's our duty to the community,” said Thatcher, again.

“Make-believe is bound to be all right,” said Jason, uncertainly.

Clang boinng clang ding . . .

The sound echoed around Lancre.

Grown men, digging in their gardens, flung down their spades and hurried for the safety of their cottages . . .

Clang boinnng goinng ding . . .

Women appeared in doorways and yelled desperately for their children to come in at once . . .

. . . BANG buggrit Dong boinng . . .

Shutters thundered shut. Some men, watched by their frightened families, poured water on the fire and tried to stuff sacks up the chimney . . .

Nanny Ogg lived alone, because she said old people needed their pride and independence. Besides, Jason lived on one side, and he or his wife whatshername could easily be roused by means of a boot applied heavily to the wall, and Shawn lived on the other side and Nanny had got him to fix up a long length of string with some tin cans on it in case his presence was required. But this was only for emergencies, such as when she wanted a cup of tea or felt bored.

Bond drat clang . . .

Nanny Ogg had no bathroom but she did have a tin bath, which normally hung on a nail on the back of the privy. Now she was dragging it indoors. It was almost up the garden, after being bounced off various trees, walls, and garden gnomes on the way.

Three large black kettles steamed by her fireside. Beside them were half a dozen towels, the loofah, the pumice stone, the soap, the soap for when the first soap got lost, the ladle for fishing spiders out, the waterlogged rubber duck with the prolapsed squeaker, the bunion chisel, the big scrubbing brush, the small scrubbing brush, the scrubbing brush on a stick for difficult crevices, the banjo, the thing with the pipes and spigots that no one ever really knew the purpose of, and a bottle of Klatchian Nights bath essence, one drop of which could crinkle paint.

Bong clang slam . . .

Everyone in Lancre had learned to recognize Nanny's pre-ablutive activities, out of self-defense.

“But it ain't April!” neighbours told themselves, as they drew the curtains.