
"And no one even thought to leave a damn window

open! Can't you hear them?"

“Hear what?” Nanny looked around hurriedly and picked up a silver candlestick. “No!”

Magrat snatched it out of her hand. “This happens to be,” winding her arm back, “very nearly,” taking aim, “my castle-”

The candlestick flew up, turning end over end, and hit a big stained glass window right in the centre.

Fresh sunlight extruded down to the table, visibly moving in the Disc's slow magical field. And down it, like marbles down a chute, the bees cascaded.

The swarm settled on the witch's head, giving the impression of a very dangerous wig.

“What did you-” Ridcully began.

“She's going to swank about this for weeks,” said Nanny. “No one's ever done it with bees. Their mind's everywhere, see? Not just in one bee. In the whole swarm.”

“What are you-”

Granny Weatherwax's fingers twitched.

Her eyes flickered. Very slowly, she sat up. She focused on Magrat and

Nanny Ogg with some difficulty, and said:

“I wantzzz a bunzzch of flowerszz, a pot of honey, and someone to szzzting.”

“I brung the sugar bowl, Esme,” said Nanny Ogg.

Granny eyed it hungrily, and then looked at the bees that were taking off from her head like planes from a stricken carrier.

“Pour a dzzrop of water on it, then, and tip it out on the table for them.”

She stared triumphantly at their faces as Nanny Ogg bustled off.

“I done it with beezzz! No one can do it with beezzz, and I done it! You endzzz up with your mind all flying in different directionzzz! You got to be good to do it with beezzz!”

Nanny Ogg sloshed the bowl of makeshift syrup across the table. The swarm descended.

“You're alive?” Ridcully managed.

“That's what a univerzzity education doezz for you,” said Granny, trying to massage some life into her arms. “You've only got to be sitting up and talking for five minutzz and they can work out you're alive.”

Nanny Ogg handed her a glass of water. It hovered in the air for a moment and then crashed to the floor, because Granny had tried to grasp it with her fifth leg.


“I knew you wasn't certain!” said Nanny.

“Czertain? Of courze I waz certain! Never in any doubt whatsoever.”

Magrat thought about the will.

“You never had a moment's doubt?”

Granny Weatherwax had the grace not to look her in the eye. Instead, she rubbed her hands together.