‘Er. You can hold things up with it. If you had another one, you’d have a brick.’ Rincewind spoke slowly. He was assimilating the situation by a kind of awful osmosis, and watching the staff turn ominously in the boy’s hand.

‘So. It is a brick of ordinariness, within a sock. The whole becoming a weapon.’

‘Um. Yes.’

‘How does it work?’

‘Um. You swing it, and then you. Hit something with it. Or sometimes the back of your hand, sometimes.’

‘And then perhaps it destroys a whole city?’ said Coin.

Rincewind stared into Coin’s golden eyes, and then at his sock. He had pulled it on and off several times a year for years. It had darns he’d grown to know and lo-well, know. Some of them had whole families of darns of their own. There were a number of descriptions that could be applied to the sock, but slayer-of-cities wasn’t among them.

‘Not really,’ he said at last. ‘It sort of kills people but leaves buildings standing.’

Rincewind’s mind was operating at the speed of continental drift. Parts of it were telling him that he was confronting the sourcerer, but they were in direct conflict with other parts. Rincewind had heard quite a lot about the power of the sourcerer, the staff of the sourcerer, the wickedness of the sourcerer and so on. The only thing no-one had mentioned was the age of the sourcerer.

He glanced towards the staff.

‘And what does that do?’ he said slowly.

And the staff said, You must kill this man.

The wizards, who had been cautiously struggling upright, flung themselves flat again.

The voice of the hat had been bad enough, but the voice of the staff was metallic and precise; it didn’t sound as though it was offering advice but simply stating the way the future had to be. It sounded quite impossible to ignore.

Coin half-raised his arm, and hesitated.

‘Why?’ he said.

You do not disobey me.

‘You don’t have to,’ said Rincewind hurriedly. ‘It’s only a thing.’

‘I do not see why I should hurt him,’ said Coin. ‘He looks so harmless. Like an angry rabbit.’

He defies us.

‘Not me,’ said Rincewind, thrusting the arm with the sock behind his back and trying to ignore the bit about the rabbit.

‘Why should I do everything you tell me?’ said Coin to the staff. ‘I always do everything you tell me, and it doesn’t help people at all.’

People must fear you. Have I taught you nothing?

‘But he looks so funny, He’s got a sock,’ said Coin.

He screamed, and his arm jerked oddly. Rincewind’s hair stood on end.

You will do as you are commanded.

‘I won’t’.

You know what happens to boys who are bad.

There was a crackle and a smell of scorched flesh. Coin dropped to his knees.

‘Here, hang on a minute-’ Rincewind began.