
‘It might be rather difficult to explain. I think there might be screaming involved somewhere.’

Nijel didn’t have much of a jaw but, such as it was, he stuck it out.

‘There’s a girl needs rescuing?’ he said grimly.

Rincewind hesitated. ‘Someone will probably need rescuing,’ he admitted. ‘It might possibly be her. Or at least in her vicinity.’

‘Why didn’t you say so? This is more like it, this is what I was expecting. This is what heroism is all about. Let’s go!’

There was another crash, and the sound of people yelling.

‘Where?’ said Rincewind.


Heroes usually have an ability to rush madly around crumbling palaces they hardly know, save everyone and get out just before the whole place blows up or sinks into the swamp. In fact Nijel and Rincewind visited the kitchens, assorted throne rooms, the stables (twice) and what seemed to Rincewind like several miles of corridor.

Occasionally groups of black-clad guards would scurry past them, without so much as a second glance.

‘This is ridiculous,’ said Nijel. ‘Why don’t we ask someone? Are you all right?’

Rincewind leaned against a pillar decorated with embarrassing sculpture and wheezed.

‘You could grab a guard and torture the information out of him,’ he said, gulping air. Nijel gave him an odd look.

‘Wait here,’ he said, and wandered off until he found a servant industriously ransacking a cupboard.

‘Excuse me,’ he said, ‘which way to the harem?’

‘Turn left three doors down,’ said the man, without looking around.


He wandered back again and told Rincewind.

‘Yes, but did you torture him?’


‘That wasn’t very barbaric of you, was it?’

‘Well, I’m working up to it,’ said Nijel. ‘I mean, I didn’t say “thank you”.’

Thirty seconds later they pushed aside a heavy bead curtain and entered the seraglio of the Seriph of Al Khali.

There were gorgeous songbirds in cages of gold filigree. There were tinkling fountains. There were pots of rare orchids through which humming-birds skimmed like tiny, brilliant jewels. There were about twenty young women wearing enough clothes for, say, about half a dozen, huddled together in a silent crowd.

Rincewind had eyes for none of this. That is not to say that the sight of several dozen square yards of hip and thigh in every shade from pink to midnight black didn’t start certain tides flowing deep in the crevasses of his libido, but they were swamped by the considerably bigger flood of panic at the sight of four guards turning towards him with scimitars in their hands and the light of murder in their eyes.

Without hesitation, Rincewind took a step backwards.

‘Over to you, friend,’ he said.


Nijel drew his sword and held it out in front of him, his arms trembling at the effort.