“- wanted -”

“- tto find out how things www -”

“- worked? -”

“Yes. Then someone in my village told the University and Mmaster T-Treatle was sent to bring me. I shall be a www-”

“- wizard -”

“- one day. Master Treatle says I have an exceptional grasp of ththeory.” Simon's damp eyes misted over and an expression almost of bliss drifted across his ravaged face.

“He t-tells me they've got thousands of b-books in the library at Unseen University,” he said, in the voice of a man in love. “More bbooks than anyone could read in a lifetime.”

“I'm not sure I like books,” said Esk conversationally. “How can paper know things? My granny says books are only good if the paper is thin.”

“No, that's not right,” said Simon urgently. “Books are full of www” he gulped air and gave her a pleading look.

“- words? -”said Esk, after a moment's thought.

“- yes, and they can change th-things. Th-that's wuwuw, that wuwuwwhha-whha-”


“-I must f-find. I know it's th-there, somewhere in all the old books. They ssss-”


“there's no new spells but I know that it's there somewhere, hiding, the wwwwwuwu-”

“- words -”

“yes, that no wiwiwi-”

“- Wizard? -”said Esk, her face a frown of concentration.

“Yes, has ever found.” His eyes closed and he smiled a beatific smile and added, “The Words that Will change the World.”


“Eh?” said Simon, opening his eyes in time to stop the oxen wandering off the track.

“You said all those wubbleyous!”


“I heard you! Try again.”

Simon took a deep breath. “The worworwor - the wuwuw -” he said. “The wowowoo-” he continued.

“It's no good, it's gone,” he said. “It happens sometimes, if I don't think about it. Master Treatle says I'm allergic to something.”

“Allergic to double-yous?”

“No, sisssisi-”

//-silly-" said Esk, generously.

“- there's sososo-”