“Well, are you gonna’ make me beg Jules?”

“No, there’s no need baby.”

“So you’ll be there?” I asked, hopeful yet skeptical.

She laughed out loud. “I didn’t quite say that Elliott.”

“Jules! Come on! Please?” I begged anyway, knowing full well that Jules didn’t do anything she didn’t want to.

She was a firecracker, literally and figuratively.

“I would love nothing more than to watch you play, but I have a feeling that showing people at school who we are to each other today will cause enough of a brouhaha. Let’s take this one step at a time, shall we?”

“By people, do you mean Taylor Williams? And Marisa Hartford?”

“And Jesse Thomas doesn’t seem to be that fond of me either. I just don’t want to ruffle any feathers. If you lost this game, they’d all be screaming ‘Yoko’ my direction until we graduated. Football is like a religion here baby and I’m not too keen on being the only one labeled sacrilegious.”

“Jules, that’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard but listen, although I’d love it if  you came, I can’t nor do I want to make you.”

That was a lie. If I could have made her, I would have.

“Thank you sweetheart. Don’t worry. I’ll be cheering, no pun intended, for you from our kitchen table at home. Old reliable local channel nineteen.”

“The kitchen table?” I asked, puzzled.

“Yeah,” she laughed, “it’s the only room in the house with a television.”

“Oh my gosh, your mom is hilarious!”

“I know. Honestly, she seems really harsh around the edges but deep down she is extremely kind and by far is one of the most intelligent women I know.”

That took me utterly by surprise.

“I didn’t know that Jules. I really look forward to getting to know her better then. I assumed that you were nothing like her. I guess I assumed wrong. The way you describe her makes me think you’re a lot like her.”

“Thank you Elliott. I take that as one of the highest compliments.”

I was surprised by the way Jules viewed her mother. I knew for sure right then, I truly should never judge a book by its cover.

I pulled into Lot B and the parking lot was packed.

“You ready for this?” I asked.

“Ready Freddy. Eventually, they’ll all find out that their starting quarterback’s miss is the last one they would have expected, but that’s okay with me because, the truth of the matter is, I have never felt happier than I do when my hand rests inside yours. I’m happy to be myself and I make no excuses.......but, I’m pretty sure you already knew that about me.”

“I did,” I said, wrapping my hand over hers. I turned to face her, “It’s what makes you stronger than every girl in this school Jules. You’re an example of examples babe. You pioneer the self esteem cause in this little high school. Who knows how many girls look at you and are influenced. When their minds are ready, whether it will be now or later in life, they’ll be stronger because of your exuberance for life and independence from peer pressure. You’re amazing Jules.”

“I could kiss you Elliott Gray,” she admitted, a bit starry eyed.

“What’s stopping you?”

Her sarcastic stare burrowed through me, “Hypocrisy. Can’t give into the pressures of society, remember? You’re just going to have to wait.”


I got out, collected myself as best I could and coolly strolled to her side of the truck and opened her door for her. By the time the handle had clicked, at least a hundred eyes were staring in our direction and those hundred eyes were grabbing the attention of a hundred more. Great, so much for discrete, I thought. We should have come earlier, less nerve racking.

I took her hand and helped her out of the truck. I grabbed our bags, never breaking my grip on Jules’ hand and began to walk toward the double doors. This feeling that emanated through me from her forced me to stop about a hundred feet from the doors. I turned to face Jules. I couldn’t take another step without looking into her eyes. I was too hungry for her gaze. She looked at me strangely when I brushed her hair over her shoulders and trailed my finger down her jaw line.