“This is a really uncomfortable subject for me. No more please. Let’s change it or I’ll require a bonfire of the vanities or something.”

“No way, I love my curling iron and makeup.”

I laughed.

“I meant for me doofus. You’re the least vain person I know.”

“Uh, oh,” she said. “Here comes Jesse.”

I could feel her stomach tighten in anxiety through our shared touch when he approached. I squeezed her hand to relieve some of the tension.

“Hey Jesse,” I said casually.

“Hey,” he said with a nod but as he walked by he scoffed a condescending snort.

What a jerk.

“I know,” Jules said in response.

“You felt that?” I asked, totally forgetting Jesse Thomas.

“Yeah, I’m starting to be able to hone specific feelings to specific thoughts now. It’s kind of awesome.”

“I’ll say.”

We reached Jules’ door to Mrs. Hill’s art class and stood just beside it for a few minutes talking. Jules had her back to the wall, her head resting against the tile and I leaned my shoulder on the bit of wall right next to her and folded my arms into each other.  I stared at her for a moment. Her eyes were the most beautiful green I’d ever seen. She stared back. Silence was not uncomfortable for Jules and I. We spoke volumes in that silence.

“Teach me how to hone down specific feelings Jules,” I said, smiling from our eye contact.


I reached my hand for her face but she shooed it away.

“Let me be the one to touch. I think you’ll be able to concentrate better on what I’m feeling.”

She repositioned herself and turned her body towards me leaving a shoulder to rest against the tile wall. She raised her hand and placed it around my throat.

“There are lots of nerve endings in the neck. I think that would be a good place for us to practice,” she said softly. “Okay, I’m going to think of specific things that I know will trigger certain responses in me but I’ll tell you each thing I’m feeling as it comes to me. That way, you can start to associate. Ready?”

o;Here comes the sun, Jules.”

Yes, my sun had definitely arrived.

The next day, I picked Jules up for school. It was Friday and just happened to be my first game of the season. I was nervous about asking Jules to come to my game. I couldn’t have imagined her not being there now that we were together and I was quickly becoming aware of whom she really was to me.

“Good morning sweetheart,” she said, locking her front door.

“Good morning dear.”

I grabbed her bag for her and threw it into the bed of the truck along with mine, then helped her into the cab. On our way to school, I decided to just come out with it.

“So, uh, today’s my first game.” Well come out with half of it, at least.

She had her right elbow rested on the car door and was running her fingers through a large curl. She turned her head toward me and smiled.

“I know.”

She kept her smile wide and her green eyes on mine.