She turned around and smiled, something I hadn’t expected.

“Mark, our boy was on a date," she said folding her arms and leaning against the counter.

He turned to me with the most serious pout on his face.

“Now. Now, Elliott. Listen to me. You don’t want to start dating now. The season’s just starting. You need to keep your grades up son,” he said, his voice teetering on hysteria.

“Oh, hush Mark. The boy’s never made anything lower than an A his entire life,” my mom said in my defense, as she sat down next to me.

“I know Shelby, that’s because we’ve kept girls out of his life. He needs to focus more than ever right now,” he said.

The desperation seeped from his pours.

“Oh, so it was you and I who kept girls out of this male teenager’s line of sight? My God Mark! We should sell our secret. We’d make millions,” she said, all the while smiling and staring at me.  “If he’s done well in school, it’s because he’s a natural. He’s a smart kid. Now, calm down sweetheart,” she winked in his direction, “So, Julia Jacobs huh? I know her mama is not gonna’ like that. Boy, her daddy won’t either. Mark, you’re going to have to invite the Jacobs to dinner,” she said over her shoulder. “Julia Jacobs? Strange. Why her baby?”

“Mom, she is not strange. She’s just different from the girls around here is all. In fact, she’s extraordinary,” I said surprisingly defensive.

“I’m sorry baby. I didn’t mean it that way. She is lovely. Boy, are you protective of her already!” She laughed. “I’ve never seen you do more than look at a girl. I only meant that it was strange to see you take a sudden interest is all.”

“He’s turning into a man Shelby!” My dad said, slapping me on the shoulder. “Aren’t ya’ boy?”

He seemed proud. I guess he felt satisfied that I wouldn’t let my grades slip and mess up my football career.

“I can’t explain it actually. I never so much as glanced at Jules before the first day of school, but something happened. I’m too afraid to even talk about it for fear you’ll think me insane,” I said.

“I don’t judge. You know that,” said my mom earnestly.

And she didn’t.

“Well, I was messin’ around before class in the hall with Jesse Thomas when I saw her floatin’ down the hallway as if on some sort of revolving belt, like a bad eighties movie. I didn’t even see her feet move mom. I half expected ‘Dream Weaver’ to belt from the ceiling speakers.”

She laughed.

“But in all seriousness,” I continued, my eyes reflecting the experience, “Her eyes met mine and it made the weight of my body feel burdensome. She scared me to death during dinner when she admitted to feeling the same thing. It was as if she had read my mind. I touched her hand in class and my hand felt like it was on fire.” I left out the fireworks and the ESP. My mom didn’t judge but she wouldn’t be above committing me. “I swear I’ve never felt, seen, heard, or even read of anything like that before. I couldn’t explain it to you fully. Not even if I tried,” I paused apprehensively, “Mom? Do you? I mean, have you ever felt anything like that before? Is it normal?”

She thought about it for a moment.

“No son, I can’t say that I have,” she looked at me strangely, “but everyone feels attraction differently, I think, honey. Your daddy and I had our own little way of knowing who we were to one another that only we could distinguish.”

My dad, whom we thought wasn’t listening, poured himself a cup of coffee in the corner of the kitchen and chimed in.

“Don’t listen to her son, we fell in love just like everyone else. Sounds to me like it was just the hormones,” he playfully answered.

“He’s lyin’ through his teeth Elliott. That man was a fool for me then, just as he is now.”

He walked out of the room smiling without a peep of disagreement. He knew she was right.

“Well, it sounds to me like it was quite a day for you. You hungry? Oh! What am I sayin’? You just ate. Well, you go to bed sweetheart and we’ll talk more tomorrow.”

She stood and kissed the top of my head, but before she left, declared, “I love you Elliott, very much. Remember the rules darlin’.” She pointed at me. “You treat her as a lady, always. You handle her with kid gloves young man, she’s precious.”

“Yes, ma’am.” I nodded.

Then she strolled down the hallway through the living room on her light feet to the master bedroom. She turned right before opening her door.

“Is she the student you were having trouble with baby?”

“She was.”