“I’m not afraid.”

“Of course you’re not Jules. I only suggested it because I was afraid for Taylor Williams.”

“You can take an interest in her well being, do you?”


“Absolutely not.”

“Your hand tells me otherwise.”

She yanked her hand away.

“Come on Jules. I have absolutely no interest in her well being whatsoever, but if you gave her a black eye, then she’d attack you in retaliation and then I’d have to punch a girl for attacking you. I’d forever be known as that jerk who punched a girl. Plus, we’d both get detention, possibly suspension. I’m just not at all eager to spend the first few days I’m getting to know you again under adult supervision.”

“Really? Hmm. Maybe you do have ulterior motives.”

“Does it feel like I have ulterior motives?”


“Then, come on!”

I dragged her to the three rectangular tables pushed together and ten of the guys from the team made room for us. We dragged two chairs together and sat at the end cap. Taylor and her idiot followers began to roll their eyes before we even sat down and immediately all five bent in to talk about us. The guys were, at first, pretty aloof, engrossed in a story of how David, our tight end, spent the summer on the coast of North Carolina with his aunt and all the girls that inhabited the beach there. When David was finished they all sat back in their seats and finally took note of us. Really, they took note of Jules.

“Well looky here Greg,” said David, slapping Greg on the shoulder, “Gray’s got himself a lunch date. Nice of you to finally join us Gray.”

They all laughed, including us.

“Shut up David,” I playfully joked back, “at least she’s a real person, unlike the ones you probably just made up from the summer at your aunt’s.”

“Ohhhhh!” All the guys chimed at once.

“Okay. Okay, Elliott!” Said David, his hands up as if surrendering. “Obviously your love life is something we’re not allowed to talk about and you,” he pointed to all the guys at the table, “I’ve got pictures. Just wait until tomorrow. I can’t wait to see you all fall to your knees at the hotness that was those girls. Just wait!”

“Oh, we’re not together,” said Jules unexpectedly.

I couldn’t believe she said that. My mouth fell slack and I felt the heat starting to creep into my cheeks. Another “Ohhhhh!” leaked out of the guys.

“You got just burned Gray!” I barely heard Kyle say.

“At least........not yet,” I said, smiling at her.

She smiled back and everyone started laughing, except Jesse, who just shook his head. Taylor shot up and ran toward the exit, her cronies in tow. I didn’t think she was even listening, but her quick dramatic exit was all the proof I needed. The guys barely noticed her, tired of her drama, and began talking about David’s summer of girls again.

“Uh oh,” whispered Jules, only to me, “I think we offended Taylor.”

“Don’t worry about it,” I said.

“How could I not?” She replied. “Everyone knows Taylor Williams is in love with you.”

“No!” I said emphatically. “You’re wrong. She only thinks she’s in love with me. She just wants what she thinks I am.”

“And what’s that?”

“Her ticket to prom queen.”

“Oh,” said Jules.