Have to figure out how to differentiate the sensations, I told myself.

She touched my arm, “I can tell you’re sorry, so I’ll drop it.”

Wow, this is going to work out really well, I thought.

“Though I don’t deserve it,” I said, “I’m glad you chose me today.”

“I’d have chosen you even if you had clobbered him onto the ground. It’s just jealousy Elliott. You don’t think I feel it for you when any one of these girls here looks at you? It’s only natural. Just don’t let it bother you. I’m interested in you and you alone.”

“Julia Jacobs!” I shouted in a whisper. “I believe you’ve just stolen my heart. God! Why do you have to be such a firework?”

“That’s an incredibly astute question,” she said, eyeing me slyfully.

I peered back over my shoulder at Tut.

“Tut seems to be kind of mad himself. Why do you think that is Jules?”


“What if I brushed your hair from your shoulder? Do you think that would anger him more?”

I brushed a long strand of hair off her shoulder and stared deeply into her eyes, trying really hard not to look back at Tut.

“I don’t like cruelty,” she said.

“It doesn’t feel like you don’t like my brand of cruelty.”

She let a smile slip through.

“I don’t deny that I like it when you touch me,” she said. Butterflies rustled in my stomach.    “But,” she continued, “not at the expense of others.”

“But Jules, had you not thought that my touching you might help Tut get over you?”

I let the back of my index finger trail tiny zaps down her jaw line. She grabbed my hand and put it onto the lab table.

“In this class, you will not encourage Sawyer’s hurt.”

“I understand,” I said, suddenly ashamed of my cruel behavior. “You know Jules? You do strange things to me. I’ve had little to no control of some of the smallest emotions. For instance, this jealousy I feel over Tut?” I leaned into her ear. “It makes me want to kiss you in front of everyone in here. Just so they’ll know that I belong to you and you belong to me.”

“Well, as much fun as that would be,” she said grabbing my face and turning it toward our solution filled flask, “we have work to do.”

We both smiled flirtatiously then focused on the task at hand with only the occasional teasing remark.

When Chemistry was over, I walked her to her car. The five minute walk was inspiring, to say the least. Images of students slurred around us, but we were the only ones that mattered. I hesitated for the first minute but eventually grabbed her hand in mine. The instant our hands connected, a pyrotechnic shower of light and heat cascaded over our heads before spilling onto the concrete. It was beautiful and I knew exactly what it was. It was the happiness we felt, together, and it reflected in the sparkled bits of electricity that fell at our feet.

o;The hard part?”

“Yeah, so I made it home right? My parents weren’t there and I had no way of calling for help. Plus, go figure, I only had one key and it was for the front door, meaning the back wasn’t an option. I parked the car as close to the house as possible to avoid exposure and studied the neighborhood for a second. I didn’t notice anyone or anything so I rushed out and bolted up my porch to the front door. Just then, my neighbor, Sawyer Tuttle,” She paused.”Do you know him? He’s in our Chemistry class.”

“Yeah,” I laughed, “I know him. I sit next to him in class.”

“Oh, anyway, Sawyer comes sauntering around to the front of his house from the side and catches me in all of my underwear glory. Well, there was no sense in hiding because he’d already seen everything. Plus, like a deer in headlights, the kid just stared with his mouth open. He didn’t even bother turning around. So, I winked at him and finally opened the door.” She took a deep breath. “And that’s my secret. Well, mine and Sawyer’s secret. Well, mine, Sawyer’s and that naughty raccoon’s secret.”

“And mine,” I threw in.

“Yes, our secret.”

No wonder Tut stared at Jules the way he did. I couldn’t blame him but that didn’t change the fact that I still wanted to bash his face in.