Boys like you always have a motivation.

Boys like me, huh? You’ve never struck me as the type who read into stereotypes Jules. I didn’t know you were such a snob.

I’m the snob? Spare me.

What about the first day of school, huh? Did I act like a snob then? It seems to me that you’re the one who’s the snob. You’ve avoided me like the plague. You see me coming and you run the other direction. I’ve gotten the cold shoulder from you for the past three weeks.

She reached out her hand to yank the pen from mine in retaliation. Her finger grazed mine and the contact struck a sparkled heat between us. We pulled away as if they were hands held to a stove. Everyone around us were completely unaware of the netted lightning bolt that stuck us stiff to our seats and quieted us from its silently deafening effects. With trembling hands I wrote,

There’s no denying that baby girl.

You’re right. I cannot deny that, even if I wanted to.

I looked at her, confused.

Do you?


Want to deny it?

Kind of.

You’re literally breaking my heart Jules. Am I really that bad?

It’s not that. It’s just, I don’t trust you.


How do I know you’re the same Elliott Gray who would play with me on the rock bridge as kids? You seemed to have changed when we entered eighth grade. It seemed as if overnight we just stopped being friends.

Maybe I was the snob.

Oh, Jules. I’m sorry, really. I was an idiot and afraid of girls. Honestly, it seemed like you wanted nothing to do with me so I stopped talking to you.

I wasn’t some girl Elliott. I was your friend. It was all so awkward that first day and I didn’t know what I had done. Only one day had passed since last we saw one another, but you ignored me as if we hardly knew each other at all. I admit, I did act as if I wanted nothing to do with you, but I was only doing that to protect myself from the way you were acting. I’m sorry too. I should have just come out and asked you.

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

Again, I’m sorry. But, I have to admit, I’m kind of glad we ignored each other.

That was mean.

Ask me why Jules.

Okay, why?

Because, if we hadn’t grown apart maybe we never would have found our ‘thing’ and I kind of like our ‘thing’. Growing apart meant that we became the people we are today and you seem to be an amazing someone, whom I may have never noticed had we not grown up without each other. Our ‘thing’ may have gotten lost in the friendship.  This brings me to my next question. What’s happening to us?

I don’t know. Your guess is as good as mine.

She swallowed hard. She knew what was happening.

I know what happened to us.

Then why’d you ask?

I just wanted to confirm that you knew too, so I don’t look like a fool again. I do an incredible job of looking foolish in front of you without even realizing it until it’s too late.