“Yes, darlin’. I’m back here.”

I head in the direction of her voice and stop sharply in front of a wicked dark orange velveteen floor length fitted jacket. I pick it up and toss it over my shoulders in front of the mirror she has close to the front of the shop. I gasp. It is the cutest thing ever and it fits me like it was tailored for me.

“No doubt I’m buying this today.”

Sadie appears from behind a rack. I love Sadie. She’s a kindred spirit.

“I was wondering when you were going to pick that up. Had a little bet going on with myself. You beat my estimated date by three days.” She laughs. “Had to pry it out of some young girl’s hands last week, probably one of those Bluefield girls trying to be you.”

Sadie holds this delusional notion that since I am quirky the way she was in high school and she was popular therefore it is safe to assume that I am popular as well.

“Sure Sadie. Apparently you haven’t heard, so I’ll enlighten you. The name Julia Jacobs is synonymous with ‘Bluefield Pariah’.”


“Sadie, Sadie, Sadie. It’s true.”

“Hmmm,” she says.

I change the subject.

“Do you know the Gray family Sadie?”

Awesome subject change Julia. You numb skull.

“Mark and Shelby? Wasn’t their boy Elliott your best friend growing up?”

That hit too close to home. My heart begins to ache.


“Well? What about them?”

“Oh, nothing, just curious to know if you knew them or not.”

“Ohhh, I see. You’re smitten with Elliott Gray.”

“I am not! Why does everyone keep saying that?”

“I can just tell, always had a feeling about you two kids. This is good Julia.”

“No, it’s not,” I say.

Did I just admit to being smitten with Elliott Gray? To Sadie? Out loud?

“Yes, it is. Now come over here. I have some awesome new jeans that just came in.”

I follow Sadie.

“I saw him yesterday,” I whisper.

“Who?” She teases.

“You know who Sadie! Sheesh.”


“The grocery store. He did something extraordinary.”