“No!” I shouted. I quickly turned off the water and wrapped a towel around my waist. I ran to the phone dripping water all the way. I was freezing cold, the farmhouse never got warm enough.

“Hello?” I panted.

“Elliott? How are you babe?”

“Uh, wet,” I laughed.

“What?” I could just see the furrowing of her eyebrows. “Why?”

“Because I was in the middle of my shower.”

She laughed uncontrollably.

“Why didn’t you just call me back later?” She asked, as if it should have been obvious to me.

“No way. I’m feeling sick without you and I wanted to hear your voice,” I said standing in a massive puddle of water, my wet hair dripping down my neck and shoulders.

“Finish your shower sweets. Call me when you’re done.”

“Okay, I guess this short conversation will tide me over until I’m done.”

“Bye Elliott.”

“Bye babe.”

I slipped and slid all over the kitchen floor and ran back to the bathroom to finish my shower. When I was done I sprinted to my room and tried to dress as quickly as possible. I needed to talk to Jules but I also needed to get warm again. I had showered so fast I didn’t have time to get warm from the water. I even put my coat on before picking up the receiver again.

How many times is she gonna’ let it ring? I asked myself. If you haven’t noticed, I’m not a very patient person. Her aunt picked it up. Jules wasn’t there, she said she’d be right back that she just ran to the store with one of her cousins. I told her I’d call her back later that morning.

“Crap,” I said slamming down the receiver.

I left the house in a hurry and nearly sped the short few miles from my house to Jules’. Don’t want Danny to pull me over.

I thought about what I’d do if I did catch the jerk on the video and we definitely needed to catch him on video as soon as possible because the rumor of Jules’ leaving for Mauch Chunk was bound to get out inevitably.

I pulled into Jules’ driveway and parked the truck. I was a little frightened to go inside. I was afraid of what I might find. I did what I had to and slammed the door behind me. I found the laptop still running and still recording which was a good sign.

All three cameras worked and I could even see my truck in the view of the camera pointed in the direction of Jules’ window.

I stopped the current recording and saved the files permanently. This was a lot easier than I thought it’d be, I thought, until I watched each video. I started with the one pointed toward her window inside her room since it was the least convoluted. I started fast forwarding and stopped at three seventeen a.m. There they were, in all their repulsive glory. I felt like throwing up. The rage was all consuming. I felt compelled to do things no sane person should think of. I wanted to pin him down, torture him, and murder him. I tried to calm myself down but it wasn’t working.

I jumped up and decided to try Jules again, this time she answered.

“Hello, hello,” she cheerfully said.

“Jules?” I said inadvertently panicked.

“What?” She pressed, nervous.

“I, uh, I checked the surveillance and saw them breaking in.”

“What did they do?” She asked stoically.

“I’m not sure, to be perfectly honest. I never finished the video. I couldn’t finish the video actually and I called you so you could stop me from doing something rash.”

I chuckled, but not out of humor. I was close to becoming violent. ‘Goodbye Jules. I’ll see you in twenty to life’ violent.

She sucked in a harsh breath, “Elliott, listen to me. If you so much as look at Jesse our chances of catching him will be lost. If you hurt him, you won’t be able to protect me.”