“Elliott, be reasonable babe.”

I pressed my forehead against hers and gazed into her eyes.

“I can’t be reasonable. Prudence left my intentions for us the day I met you, even when we were kids we were out of control but when time slipped away from us I had intended to be an acquaintance of yours, seeing you at reunions and joking about fishing with you as a kid then saying goodbye.

“I had no idea the knockdown, drag out astonishing hold you’d put on me Jules. It’s your fault I can’t live without you and it would be cruel for you to leave me now, no matter how long you’re gone.”

I was thoroughly aware of the guilt trip I was laying on her. If I’m going to do it, I might as well really do it.

I took one deep breath. “You know, I’ve held back with you out of respect but I want so badly for you to just agree to marry me already Jules! The minute we walk across that stage I want us to walk into the nearest courthouse because I love you Julia Jacobs! And!” I took two more deep breaths. “The hell with it!”

I attacked her. I pinned her to the driver’s side door and thoroughly pressed my lips into hers. I abandoned all control and did what I wanted. I breathed her in and could hear the air fill my lungs. It was the deepest I’ve ever breathed my entire life and I felt the strangest confidence in that freedom.

She groaned and tried to push me off of her but eventually surrendered, despite the fear that her family was just inside, a few walls away, as I kissed harder and deeper.

I pressed my body into hers, thread my fingers through her thick hair and held the back of her head against the window, with my free hand I put my thumb through the belt loop next to her left hip and pinched the bone between my fingers.

“Alright,” she whispered breathless.

“Alright, you’ll marry me?” I asked, a huge grin on my face.

“No,” she laughed, “alright, I’ll compromise. I’ll stay. I don’t think I would have been able to do it anyway, not with my insatiable need to be touched by you, especially after you’ve touched me like this.”

“Sorry,” I said, dropping my hold on her, “I literally couldn’t help myself. The thought of your leaving was enough to make me lose my cool.”

“Well, gain control,” she scolded playfully, “because I’m staying.”

“You know I need you to do more than just stay Jules,” I said resting my lips against the hollow beneath her ear. She paused for a long time, contemplating my offer. Pausing was good.

“Eventually, we’ll marry Elliott.”

“Eventually, I’ll run out of ways to convince you.”

“No need to convince the already persuaded. We only differ on the time frame.”

“We’ll marry sooner than later,” I jested.

“Or, not,” she said.

I kissed her neck again and this made her eyes roll to the back of her head. I laughed. I knew my own powers of persuasion.

I didn’t get enough of her to satisfy the greed but it was late and I caught a glimmer of light from the house where someone peeked through a closed curtain.

“They know you’re here,” I said.

“Oh,” she complained.

“It’s okay,” I said, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”


I woke late and hurriedly showered and dressed. I needed to see Jules and arrange for her to be safe somewhere else, just closer than Mauch Chunk.

“Bye mom!” I yelled while swinging my coat over my shoulders.

“Where are you going son?” She asked me, confused.

“I’m going to Jules’ house. She changed her mind. She’s staying and we’ve got to figure out a place for her to stay. I was thinking Danny’s...........”