My heart skipped a beat and my mouth began to water.

“Is there anything in particular you’d like as a gift?” She asked, catching me off guard.

She thought she got me there but I had a trick up my sleeve.

“Har, har. Nothing in particular unless you’d like to gift your hand.”

She shook her head.

“There is something I’d like to get you though.”

“A marriage is not a gift Elliott,” she teased.

She was close.

“No, no. I know you won’t agree to that.” As a side note, “If you’re not careful, I’ll stop asking.........No, I want to give you an actual gift. Something concrete.”

If I could just get her to agree to wear it.

“Something real you say?” She asked suspiciously, one eyelid close.

“Something real. I promise.”

“Gimme’ a hint.”

This was good, she was warming to the idea.

“Well, it’s smaller than a bread box.”

She laughed. Laughing was a very good sign.

“It’s beautiful,” I continued. “Like you.”

“Awww, go on.”

“It is something I’ve been dying to give you since the day I met you outside Mrs. Kitt’s class.”

“These are horrible clues. I have absolutely no idea what it could be.”

“You give up?”

“Would you even tell me if I guessed it?”

“Probably not,” I said.

Absolutely not.

“Then I give up,” she conceded.

She grabbed my right hand and placed it on her right cheek. I fought so desperately to keep my feelings about my gift to myself. She was trying to emotionally pry it out of me.

“You think you’re so clever,” I said.

“What are you talking about Elliott Gray?” She smiled as she kissed my palm and brought her face closer to mine.

As she did this, she slid her hand along my forearm and a stinging prickle of heat followed each slight movement of her hand. I forgot about the gift completely, it was easy to get swept up into Jules. I readied myself for an hour of kissing that would light up the rock bridge like an exploding star.

After our night on the rock bridge, I had the best sleep of my life it seemed. There was no ravenous hunger for her as the previous nights. Her deft change of hand made all the difference and bought us both some time before our next craving. It was the perfect antidote. Well, except, there was one issue. Despite the fact that we could endure longer strands of time without touching, it still meant waking up in withdrawal and usually that retraction meant a maniacal appetite.