I sighed in defeat.

“I won’t give up,” I muttered under my breath as I reached for my dropped mug.

School crept up on us too quickly and Thursday came even more so.

“Today’s the day,” Jules said.

“Today’s the day,” I repeated.

I wasn’t looking forward to the confrontation. It could only go one of two ways and frankly neither felt that appetizing to me. Either Jesse and Taylor would ignore us completely and go on planning what they had been planning, or Jesse would snap and start to fight me right then and there. I knew that the confrontation would get either one of those ‘not ideal’ results but I wasn’t going to let him feel like I was passively going to endure his or Taylor’s insanity.

At lunch, we ate quickly and waited.

“What was Marisa’s deal on Sunday?” Jules asked, suddenly aware of her again.

“I’m pretty sure she knows whatever Jesse and Taylor are planning. It’s frustrating because she’s so easily influenced. If I could just get to her and explain to her what she needed to do instead of following that harpy around then I know I could change her mind.”

“Yeah, she’s not intrinsically bad. She just cannot think for herself. She’s ruled too easily by her obsession with being popular,” Jules reasoned.

“If I could just get to her.......but Taylor’s got a short leash on her.”

“Yeah, and a choke collar to match,” Jules said.

I winked at her.

“That was a little gangster of you Jules, my witty, clever little gangster. You should have added ‘see’ to the end of that sentence. You would’ve been golden,” I teased.

“Shut up,” she laughed. “It’s early.”

I spotted them, “Here comes Bonnie and Clyde.”

I nodded toward the double doors.

“More like Fred and Wilma,” she said.

“What was that?”

“Forgive me. ‘Airplane’ was on last night.”

“Surely, you must be joking,” I chortled.

“I’m not joking and stop calling me Shirley,” she laughed.

“Uh oh,” I said.

“I’m stopping.”

I waved my hand for Jesse and Taylor to come to our table. They stopped, whispered something to each other and decided to join us. Jules was as cool as a cucumber, probably because I had my hand at the back of her chair and I was cupping the nape of her neck. We lounged in our chairs as if we didn’t have a care in the world. Jules yawned. I promised myself that I’d let her know that it was a nice touch. Taylor and Jesse sat opposite us at the round table we occupied by ourselves.

“Jesse, don’t get comfortable. You won’t be staying long,” I said. He didn’t respond. “I’ve called you over here to let you know that we aren’t going to take what you’ve done lying down. I’m being cordial now because you’ve yet to do anything else. I’ve decided to look past your breaking into Jules’ room, although,” I leaned forward, slit my eyes and almost whispered, “you don’t deserve it.” I casually sat back once more, “I promise you this, next time you even breathe in our direction and it rubs me the wrong way, I won’t be as kind. Jules?” I asked, turning her direction.

She apathetically shook her head that she had nothing to add and turned her gaze back toward the windows. They took the hint, got up and sat at their own table. By this time, I noticed the deathly quiet that had presided over the lunch room.

“Time to go,” I whispered in Jules’ ear.

We both grabbed our bags and lazily tred toward the double doors. When they closed behind us Jules looked up at me as if to ask what I thought.

“I don’t think they’ll be an issue anymore,” I said.