I reached for the thermos.

“Elliott,” she said.

She placed her hand on mine and I dropped my mug.  I let it slide a few feet in front of me but didn’t bother to retrieve it. I turned my gaze on hers.

“We should wait, “I said, guessing her next sentence.

“Really, we should Elliott. We just can’t risk it. We can wait and I promise it will be the best thing we’ve ever done.”

I sighed in defeat.

“I won’t give up,” I muttered under my breath as I reached for my dropped mug.

School crept up on us too quickly and Thursday came even more so.

“Today’s the day,” Jules said.

“Today’s the day,” I repeated.

I wasn’t looking forward to the confrontation. It could only go one of two ways and frankly neither felt that appetizing to me. Either Jesse and Taylor would ignore us completely and go on planning what they had been planning, or Jesse would snap and start to fight me right then and there. I knew that the confrontation would get either one of those ‘not ideal’ results but I wasn’t going to let him feel like I was passively going to endure his or Taylor’s insanity.

At lunch, we ate quickly and waited.

“What was Marisa’s deal on Sunday?” Jules asked, suddenly aware of her again.

“I’m pretty sure she knows whatever Jesse and Taylor are planning. It’s frustrating because she’s so easily influenced. If I could just get to her and explain to her what she needed to do instead of following that harpy around then I know I could change her mind.”

“Yeah, she’s not intrinsically bad. She just cannot think for herself. She’s ruled too easily by her obsession with being popular,” Jules reasoned.

“If I could just get to her.......but Taylor’s got a short leash on her.”

“Yeah, and a choke collar to match,” Jules said.

I winked at her.

“That was a little gangster of you Jules, my witty, clever little gangster. You should have added ‘see’ to the end of that sentence. You would’ve been golden,” I teased.

“Shut up,” she laughed. “It’s early.”

I spotted them, “Here comes Bonnie and Clyde.”

t sorry for Marisa when I learned of this information, such low self esteem. Who, in their right mind, would sink so low for further social gain? For any reason really?

The week of Thanksgiving break, Marisa ‘volunteered’ to cover the reception desk at the clinic because she ‘needed money’. In fact, Marisa ‘volunteered’ to cover the desk every night that week and, while her grandfather ate, she would steal away and remove the cabinet keys from his desk, and methodically extract an exact measured amount of the horse tranquilizer Ketamine through each individual wax vile stopper by syringe, enough that it would eventually add up to the dosage Taylor and Jesse needed but too little an amount to cause suspicion to the naked eye.

Then, she would place the cap on the syringe, lock the cabinet door, return the keys to his desk, and none would be the wiser. She repeated this process every single day during Thanksgiving break and by the end of the week, she had enough to heavily sedate a seventeen year old boy, about my size.

Jules and I arrived home from Mauch Chunk the following Saturday evening, rather late, and I dreaded having to go to church early the next morning but considered that Jules would be just as tired as I was and we could lean on one another, literally and figuratively. I was excited because we still had Monday and Tuesday off and the school week was only going to be three days before the weekend came upon us again. Basically, lots of time to take it easy. I had to admit, the football season was taking its toll on my body. I definitely didn’t get enough sleep either. Jules occupied my every thought.

I actually worried about what I was going to do when I reached Philadelphia and would be required to think. The only way I could get away with it then was because school was no challenge whatsoever. I thought that was a good point to bring up to Jules for the argument that we needed to marry as soon as possible. I reminded myself to remember that one later.

The next day, at church, Jules was already in the youth hall when I walked in to greet her. I noticed she was sitting on top of a table on her own and staring in the direction of the wall that was concealed by the door. I walked in and glanced to my left to see what she was staring at.

Jesse Thomas and Taylor Williams stared silently back at her. A silent fight of wills and I’m pretty sure Jules was winning. I didn’t say a word to either of them. I walked in, grabbed Jules’ hand and guided her outside. She had hung her jacket up earlier and didn’t have it so I gave her mine.

“What the....?” I asked.

“I have no idea.”