“Boo,” I hear from behind me.

I jump and shriek. Everyone’s eyes turn my way. I can’t see Elliott but I’m more than positive he and Karen are looking our direction, as curious as the rest of the store’s patrons are. I hit Sawyer.

“Sawyer!” I whisper yell.

“Julia!” He mocks, holding his gut in laughter. “What the heck are you doing?”

I start laughing with him.

“Nothing. I’m just a big buffoon. Hanging on the end cap like an overgrown monkey.”

“Oh, is that why you were dragging your knuckles on the ground outside?”

I hit him once more and start laughing again.

“What are you looking at?” He asks, trying to peek over my shoulder at the checkout lines.

“Nothing. Nothing,” I say, pushing him towards Dairy.

“Uh, huh.”

“Seriously Sawyer. Stop.”

“Alright, alright.”

“My early man poses are just between you and me. Agreed?”

“Alright but it’ll cost ya’.”

“Yeah, yeah. Put it on my tab.”

“Where’s your bell pepper?” He asks studying my empty hands.

“Uh, I haven’t gotten it yet,” I say, shoving my hands in the back pockets of my jeans.

“Where’s your list?”

I square my shoulders, “In my pocket.”

He raises an eyebrow, “Alright, let me see it.”

I sigh in frustration and slump down in defeat.

“Okay, there’s no list. I was trying to avoid someone.”

He raises another eyebrow, “The same someone you were trying to avoid in French?”

I don’t answer.

“You do know that to avoid someone you must steer away from them right? Following them around is clearly not avoiding them, just thought you should be aware of the rules of avoidance because I’m pretty sure you’re doing it wrong.”

“Okay. You’ve had your fun. Now scoot.”

“See you around Julia Jacobs!” He yells as loud as he can.

“Sawyer!” I grit through teeth and push him further away from Elliott. “Shut up. He’ll hear you.”

“He? Well, well. It’ll cost ya’ indeed! See you tomorrow stalker.”