We discovered we could control the dosage, so to speak, but had to be careful because releasing too much made us sleepy as heck. It soothed us both to experience the exchange and was quite addicting.

I craved it at night especially. It was when we were away from each other the longest and I found myself waking earlier and earlier each day just so I could touch her as quickly as possible to mollify the necessity for it.

She audibly sighed in relief and that cleared my head a little. I was too preoccupied with her suffering to start analyzing the note and deciphering its real meaning. I was incredibly shocked at the brazenness of the culprit breaking into her house. I say culprit, I mean Jesse. He’s the only one I know who would do something so monumentally dangerous for his health. A week ago, it would have been beyond anything I thought he could do.

As I held her hand, I studied my fingers desperate for an additional clue.

“I think I’m gonna’ call my Uncle Danny,” I said.

“You think it’s serious enough that we’d have to involve the police?”

“Yeah, I think so, Jules. I mean what’s the harm in it really? My uncle is bored at the station anyway, this will give him something to do.”

After school, Jules and I rode in silence to Danny’s station. I had the note in the back pocket of my jeans and could feel the searing heat of its intentions blistering down the back of my leg. As we rode, I kept Jules’ hand in mine for comfort and when we arrived my Uncle Danny came rushing out of the door. I’m guessing he saw us through the window.

“Hey son!” He called out.

“Hey Danny!” I said, closing the creaky driver’s side door.

I pulled my jacket closer to my body to keep the winter air from chilling me any further than my daunted bones already ached.

“Well Jules, every time I see you, you just get prettier and prettier,” he said before turning to me. “You’re gonna’ have to break ‘em off with a stick Elliott!”

“That’s actually kind of why we’re here Danny,” I said.

His eyes turned serious.

“What’s goin’ on?” He asked, furrowing his brow.

Uncle Danny was no longer there. We were now speaking to officer Danny.

“Well,” I said, pulling the flaming note from my pocket and handing it to him, “Jules found this note in her messenger bag this morning.”

He unfolded the note and read its words, then looked at us in silence.

I continued, “And basically, it’s not something we’d have wanted to involve the police in but we think the person who put it there had broken into Jules’ bedroom to do it.”

“Wait. Wait, now. You said it was in her messenger bag. It could have been any of the kids at school. This could very easily be a joke.”

“Well, unfortunately we’ve run into a few issues with some people at school so we know it’s not a joke. Also, I thought it had to have been put into the pack this morning but Jules said the messenger bag hadn’t been near anyone at all that morning except herself and myself, that it hadn’t been in there last night when she was doing her homework and when she found it this morning she knew the only way it could have gotten there was some time while she was sleeping.”

He sat for awhile and deliberated what his next steps would be.

“Chances are it’s just mean teenager crap but I’ll follow up on it either way. I better call Principal Rudolph at her home and just fill her in. Who are these people giving you trouble Elliott?”

o;Hmm,” she deliberated, “I’ll call her mama in the morning and get the details. As long as it will be as well chaperoned as you claim it will be I don’t have a problem with it. Are you okay with being away from the family on such a holiday?”

“I’ll miss you very much mom,” I got up and kissed her forehead.

That made her more comfortable. She made me promise that, if I went, I’d call her the day of and I crossed my heart that I would.

“Y’all are stupid,” Maddy said with audacity, eyes still focused on her worksheet. “I would never let my boy do something like that.”

All three of us stared at the pre-teen lounging in all her false glory. I left the room so I wouldn’t have to witness the disrespect smacked out of her knowing I would hear it through the walls as it was.

“Maddy check your tone before you find yourself grounded the entire Thanksgiving break,” my dad said.

“Imagine that Mark!” My mom said. “Maddy giving us advice! We’re so lucky to have birthed her and raised her to be more intelligent than us. Wouldn’t you agree Mark?”