“What’s to talk about? You’re my future and I feel confident in saying that I’m yours.”

“I mean the technicalities babe.” God, she was cute.

“I know,” she shrugged her shoulders.

“Well, I want to know how long you’d like to wait before we’re married.”

I just came right out and said it because it felt natural and after the day I had with Jesse I was at my wit’s end. It had taken me practically the whole day to calm down. I know it was sort of anti-climactic and all that but we felt it in our guts that we would someday be married to one another anyway. She knew it. I knew it.

“Elliott!” She laughed. “I thought you were going to say something like ‘Are you okay with never seeing me for the next seven years since I’ll be knee deep in cadavers’.”

“Jules, you’re a punk. I’m being serious. I know it’s premature, but I was thinking about it the other day. Then there is the night we almost lost it and.......” and today’s insaneness. Mostly today’s insaneness.

“You mean the night that I almost lost it.”

“No, we both almost lost it. Anyway, while I was in bed that night, I was thinking that I might want to get married as soon as we graduate.”

“College?” She asked.

“No, high school Jules.”

“No way Elliott!”

“Why not?”

“Because that would be too Bramwell-like of us, that’s why.”

“Oh who cares if it is! Are we or are we not from Bramwell anyway? Besides, I wanted to go to Philadelphia and actually be there with you.” If we can even go to Philadelphia now.

“Oh my gosh Elliott. Listen,” she laid on her back and turned onto her side. She patted the spot next to her and I followed suit, laying with my hands behind my head. I always tried to restrain my hands one way or another when I was near her.

She scooted closer to me and continued, “I am actually hyperventilating at the very idea of it because it sounds so tempting, but I think that it would be the death of our careers. I can just imagine getting pregnant while we’re in school and then I’d have to quit to take care of our baby and then you’d never see us for years because you’d be becoming a physician Elliott! You won’t have time for anything else. No. We’re just going to have to wait.”

I almost jumped out of my skin from excitement at the prospect of having children with her. I surprised myself with that one.

“You want to wait? I can handle that, but I don’t want to wait another ten years Jules. Can we compromise?” I offered.

“Like what?” She asked, turning onto her back and tucking her hands behind her head as well. It made me wonder if that was her own restraint device as well.

“Like, can we at least get married after we’ve earned our bachelors? I don’t think I can wait any longer than that.”

She thought for a really long time. Like, ‘sweat started to line my forehead’ kind of time.

“I think I can deal with that,” she said with a smile.

My hands escaped. I grabbed her and began to tickle her knee.

“Oh yes! You will deal with that! I am Elliott! King of compromises! And you, Julia Jacobs! You may be my court jester! Now dance for me!”

I continued to tickle her until she could barely breathe let alone speak she was laughing so hard. I caught a ‘please’ every now and then but ignored it. When I was done teasing her I laid beside her once more and bound my hands again. I knew she wanted to retaliate but could see her rethinking her strategy. She knew I’d go into torturing her for awhile until I was tired and we’d start the whole process over again. I guess she deciphered that the risk outweighed the reward and couldn’t help herself.

“Why do you keep doing this to yourself Jules?”

Again, not able to speak.

“Stop!” She finally shouted.

I let up and she caught her breath.