“Oh, I couldn’t possibly. I’m too old to tag along with y’all,” my mom chimed in.

I drove Jules home that night and could no longer postpone my curiosity. She knew I wanted to know how the ‘date’ went but she also knew I didn’t want to ask about it first, my pride in the way. I wanted her to volunteer the information but she refused my game. Eventually I caved. What can I say? I’m a weak man, a weak, jealous, hopelessly in love, Neanderthal apparently.

“Just tell me already!”

“Tell you what Elliott?”

“Don’t play coy with me Julia Jacobs! My patience are at an all time thin.”

“Man, I’ve never seen you so jealous before Elliott. Green is a good color on you.”

I shot her a look of disbelief.

“I’m serious,” she said. “It gives a girl encouragement to see her man squirm at the end of her hook. It makes quite the impact.”

“Stop toying with me!”

“Okay, okay.” She laughed. “He was the perfect gentleman and we had a surprisingly good time.”

“How good?”

“My God Elliott! We saw a film, we talked about you, and then he took me to your house! It wasn’t quite the debauchery you were expecting. Which I resent by the way! What kind of girl do you take me for!”

I grabbed her hand.

“I’m just a big fool Jules.”

That was enough of an apology, I guess, because she just smiled at me.

“He is an incredible kisser though,” she teased.


“I’m only joking! Jeez, lighten up! Will ya’?”

I kissed her hand, deciding I didn’t need to kill Jesse after all.

The following Monday, at school, we got all kinds of reactions to Jules defensive action on the football field, some of disgust, some with humor, and some with awe. Funnily enough, even Taylor Williams decided it was a good idea to leave Jules alone for awhile and Jules said she lived peacefully without Taylor’s cruelness for at least two days.

“That’s a record,” Jules said, laughing. “I think I might have scared Taylor.”

“Yeah, I think so too,” I agreed. “Who knew you were a lion masquerading as a mouse.”

“Very funny. Listen, I’m not proud of myself but after enduring the fight at Tanen’s, after the knot it made in my stomach, I promised myself I’d never have to see something like that again and not at least try to do something about it.”

“Well thanks Jules, but next time a two hundred and fifty pound lineman socks me one, it might be best your skinny butt stays out of it.”

“Try and stop me,” she joked.

We both chuckled as we walked to AP English together. It was an exceptionally exciting day, not because of Friday’s game, but because Mr. Cray would be handing out our packets for our trip to London. Jules was all giddy as she sat in her seat and I couldn’t help but be affected by her happiness.

“I’ve got the packets you’ve all been waiting for. It’s taken me a bit longer than it would normally this year because we were short two adult chaperons and we finally found two volunteers. You wouldn’t believe how unenthusiastic people can be about a trip of a lifetime when they find out it’s with sixty eighteen year olds.”

We all laughed.

That evening Jules and I sat sprawled out on my living room floor in front of the television sifting through the packet and reading its fine print.

“I feel like a million bucks Elliott,” said Jules.