“What are you thinkin’ about babe?”

“About Jesse,” she said sadly.

“What about him?” I shifted in annoyance. He was the last thing I wanted her thinking about. I was hoping she’d let the movie idea go.

“For a long time I thought Jesse felt that I would steal his time with you from him, but after all the effort I’ve made to make sure he was always included, he still always acts so coldly towards me. That’s why I was sort of surprised he made such an effort to want to get to know me. No, I was flabbergasted.”

“I know what you mean. Jules,” I paused, “I don’t particularly like the way he gets to know girls and I don’t have a good feeling about his movie invite. God, he was acting so weird tonight.”

“Yeah, he is sort of strange, but I think that I should do it anyway.”

“I don’t think so Jules! Do you have any sense of self preservation? It’s one thing to hang out with him with me but I’ve not been able to get a grasp on him lately. He’s changing.”

“Elliott, you said yourself that I should get to know him better.”

“Yeah, around me!” I repeated.

“Well, maybe he feels like he can’t be himself without you around. You are pretty intimidating.”

“No! No way!”

“Come on Elliott! He won’t try anything. He knows that I’d tell you if he did anything weird.”

I let out a deep breath.

“Fine.” Seriously, what’s the worst that can happen? “But let me just go on record as saying that I don’t like this at all.”

That Saturday night, I sat at Jules’ house waiting for another dude to take her to a movie. I felt like a complete and utter tool.

“This is just too weird Jules. My gut is telling me this is a bad idea.”

“Oh, Elliott. We’ve already been through all of this. It’ll be fine. I promise you. He’s making an effort.”

“Yeah, but what kind of effort?”

I heard the roar of Jesse’s engine come to a halt.

“He’s here.”

The door bell rang.

“Wanna’ get that?” She asked, applying lipstick in her vanity mirror.

“What are you doing that for Jules! You don’t need to impress Jesse!”

“Elliott! What is wrong with you?” She laughed. “Go answer the door. My parents aren’t here and I’m not finished getting ready.”

I hesitated but got the door anyway. Jesse was on the other side with something in his hand. I didn’t even greet him. He knew that I didn’t like this one bit.

“What’s that?” I asked.

“None of your business Gray.” He smiled, sticking whatever it was in his back pocket. “Come on buddy! Relax! It’s me!”

“Exactly!” I snapped. Maybe, I am being a bit overprotective. This is Jesse. I’ve known him since I was a baby! So what if he’s been acting strangely lately. I know he’d never step over my line.

I led him to the sitting room.

“Sit,” I barked and he sat, lounging his arms across the top of the sofa, peering about the room before letting out a low whistle. “Damn, Elliott. You bagged a wealthy one didn’t you?”