“The girls? Plural? Nice,” she chided.

“Wait, wait, and wait. You know what I meant.” I exhaled gruffly, “How did this turn so quickly?”

“I don’t know,” she said, looking away.

After a few seconds, the electricity seemed to have calmed us both down.

“I’m sorry Jules. I just wanted you to come is all. After the game, everyone piles into Matthew’s parents’ lake house for fun. It’s actually a blast. Matthew is so hilarious. He keeps us all in stitches. I was trying to get you to see that they’re not all that bad.”

“I guess it wouldn’t hurt to at least make an appearance....,” she admitted.

“Yes! I know you’ll have fun babe.”

She pointed a finger at my face, “But if Taylor so much as breathes in my direction. I’m outta’ there, with or without you.”

“Deal! And Jules?”


“I would never let you go anywhere without me.”

She smiled up at me, stunning me speechless.

“My God Jules. You’re beautiful.”

The sun lit the natural red highlights in her hair. The laughing had made her cheeks flush and the fighting had made her eyes bright. Every part of her was just so alive.

She placed the back of her gloved hand against her forehead, gazed toward the sky and with a southern drawl said, “Oh Rhett, you’re sweepin’ me off ma’ feet!”

“Hardy, har, har. I’m being serious with you Jules. I have never in my life seen a woman as gorgeous as you. You take the cake buttercup.”

“Oh Gray, so many points for that one. Just for that, I’d let you carry me anywhere.”

Jules sat on the back of her heels and opened the basket beneath her. She had lots of awesome food in there and I wondered if she had made it herself. I didn’t get a chance to ask because she said she had a surprise for me.

“Ta daa!” She said and pulled a little portable mp3 player out. “I thought we could listen to music and dance and be silly. The rock bridge is like the perfect dance floor.”

She turned it on and fiddled with it until I heard Silverchair’s ‘Without You’ come on.

“Diorama,” I said.

She nodded and threw a flirtatious smile my way. I reclined back onto an elbow and watched her dance around while belting out every single word. I was mesmerized. When the song was over she collapsed on the stone, happy and out of breath.

“God, you’re adorable,” I said.

She just laughed and tried to catch her breath.

“Come here,” she said and patted the bit of stone next to her.

I got up and laid next to her.

“I have something I want to listen to with you. The melody does insane things to my heart and I want to see what it feels like while you hold me.”

She got up and flipped it to another song. It started and I recognized another one of Silverchair’s songs.

“Part one of ‘Those Thieving Birds’,” she said. “It makes me want to cry it’s so beautiful.”

I turned to my side and hovered over her. I studied her face for a moment then drug the tip of my thumb over her bottom lip before gathering her in my arms and kissing her softly.