“Friends,” I say and squeeze her hand.

“I’m glad because I’m going to need one.”

“Well, a friend in need is a friend indeed.” I shake my head. “Sorry, that was lame. I’m out of practice.”

“No, it kind of wasn’t,” she says through fought tears.

“You okay?” I asked and pushed my shoulder into hers.

“Yeah. Well, I mean, I will be. I suppose,” she cleared her throat, “I suppose you may have heard a rumor or two about me?”

“What? That you’re extraordinarily kind?” I tease.

She laughed.

“Maybe you caught wind of the one that said something along the lines of ‘Robyn Larson is pregnant’?”

“I may have heard that from a little birdie.”

She grinned and brought a tissue to her nose.

“Well, it was true.”


“Yeah, well, it’s a long story but the gist of it is this; I fell in love with a boy who I later found out was mature enough to have sex but not to have a baby.”

My half smile fell from my face.

“What happened Robyn?”

“I was ready to have the baby. It wasn’t the snotty nosed kid’s fault, ya’ know?” She said through tears. “Anyway,” she continued, “I planned on giving it up for adoption. It just felt like what I needed to do, for me, anyway. My choice was to fix the mess I had made and the only way I could really be okay with that was by giving it up.”

I’m surprised by this.

“You’re kind of a bad ass you know that?”

“I felt like one.” She smiled. “The friend I told you about earlier encouraged me to give it up when I was struggling with what to do, even went with me to the adoption agency and everything. He helped show me that making the hardest decision of my life could also be about giving the greatest gift of my life. I was really happy, truly happy Julia. No regrets.” She wiped more tears away. “I was about three months along when I miscarried.”

“Oh Robyn, I’m so, so sorry.”

“I am too. Honestly, it felt so good to think I could give my child what my mom never could. I’m the way I am because that’s the way she is, ya’ know?”

I nodded before prodding her shoulder with mine.

“You still can you know.”

“What?” She asked.

“Give your children what your mom couldn’t. Just wait a little while,” I winked encouragingly.

She laughed and pushed her bangs from her forehead.

“Trust me. I’ve never been as clearheaded in my life as I am right now.”

“Well, clearheaded Robyn, now you have a somewhat clearheaded friend to take the journey with you.”

We both grin at our feet but when I look up, I see Robyn’s friend smiling at the two of us. His blue eyes freeze with mine and my breath catches in my throat.