I placed the bat slowly on the ground and rose with my hands where he could see them. He signaled for me to kick the bat to the opposite corner of the cave and I complied. I noticed he had two cuts across his arms, one looked particularly deep, and that he had bound it with strips of a cloth but it did little to stop the heavy bleeding. I realized then that the blood in his parents’ bathroom wasn’t Jules’. It was his. I was very proud of Jules. She must have caught him off guard enough to do some damage but I felt a twist of agony for the price she had paid for it. It was evident in her eyes but even more apparent in the ‘E’ he had carved on the left part of her chest just below the collar bone.

I fingered my chest where I felt the same pounding burn. It was deep enough to have soaked a thick trail of blood down her shirt and into her jeans. I’m so sorry, I mouthed. She squeezed her eyes shut, fighting tears and shook her head slightly.

“Good,” he said, never breaking his frightening gaze on Jules.

Her eyes stayed with mine. She silently pleaded with me to cooperate. She had a few hours practice with Jesse and somehow knew this was it for her soon.

“I’ve waited for a long time for you to find us here,” he said, his eyes briefly darting to mine before refocusing them on Jules’. “You know Julia? You aren’t the only girl I’ve brought down here.”

My eyes widened in fear, anticipating what he’d say next.

“She’s not exactly the best I’ve had down here Elliott but she had her moments. I do think I could have enjoyed it more if you had been here to watch but I relish the fact I can recount it to you in front of her.” He closed his eyes. “Her scream, when I can get her to, I must say Elliott, is phenomenal; involuntarily gravelly I’m happy to say.”

Jules’ eyes began to water and she shook her head violently, trying to keep me from doing something stupid and getting us both killed. My knuckles tightened in fury, the whites of them brightened with a hungry need to hit him.

“Oh calm down, Elliott,” he threatened. “Don’t act so surprised. I told you that I wanted her.” He smiled at some private thought before continuing on, “It’s your fault, you know. If you had just stepped aside as I had told you, it wouldn’t have to be so painful for her.” He raised his red eyes my direction and emphatically insisted with the gun, “You did that to her!”

Jules broke down into sobs as she shook her head from side to side, telling me it wasn’t true. I made a move toward her to comfort her. I didn’t care what he did to me. I needed only to touch her and both our fears, our anxieties, our pain, would dissipate into nothing.

Surprisingly, he made no move to stop me, only stepped further back putting the fire he made between himself and us but kept the gun aimed at Jules.

I touched Jules and it was as if nothing else mattered. Our shared current emanated through our bodies and we were one. I had never felt it pulse so powerfully through us and in that moment I understood that it had been our heightened sense of longing that caused it.

The desperation for the other was never as frantic as it was in that second. Our bodies somehow knew it was the last time our touch would be a reality and were instinctively getting their fill before they extinguished forever. The sensation was more powerful than before, although no less pleasurable. It calmed me yet simultaneously frightened me. It was a sign. A sign that our gift anticipated this was to be the end of our time together.

The tears overwhelmed us Jules and we forgot about Jesse completely. I sat on the back of my legs to remove the gag, inhaling her into the deepest kiss, the softest kiss possible. It glorified all that was good in us, all that was buried in our hearts. I lifted my hand for her face but when it came up a scorching, excruciating pain pierced my left shoulder.

Jules yelled my name as I tumbled onto the stone floor behind me. She lunged herself on top of me and pleaded my name, tears flooding down her face. I hated when she cried, worse than a million gunshot wounds to the shoulder. My chest ached for her.

“Elliott!” She cried over and over.

Jesse lifted her from my torso and threw her against the rock wall purposely slamming her head against the stone and pulled her gag back into place.

“Calm down Julia! It’s only his shoulder. That’s not the shot that’s going to kill him. Trust me,” he said with a cruel smile.

I sprang to my feet but made no attempt to go for the bat at the other end of the stone alcove. I wouldn’t have had time. I had no idea what I was going to do. In my hesitation, Jesse aimed the gun at my other shoulder.

“Please,” I begged.

“What?” He mockingly cupped his hand over his ear. “I’m sorry Elliott, did you say something?”  He laughed maniacally. “Nothing to say for Julia? I really expected more of a protest than this at least Elliott. You’ve hardly said two words. Come now! What kind of boyfriend are you that you can’t even spit out two words to plead for her? Does her life mean nothing to you? Tsk, tsk, tsk.” He turned to Jules. “Look at this loser? He can’t even fight for you. How can you be with somebody so pathetic?”

“You broke his jaw!” She yelled through her gag.

Jesse ignored her, “Should I describe the intimate things we’ve shared tonight Julia? Do you think that might goad some sort of response from him? Why don’t you tell him Julia?” She pleaded with me through her eyes. “No?” He turned his gaze back to me. “That’s alright. I’ll start then.........Hmmmm.” He tapped his gun against his chin, “Well, first off, she’s an amazing kisser Elliott. I’m shocked you never spoke of her lips before.

“I particularly enjoyed her tongue, very warm. I accidentally bit her though. Poor girl. I was too eager.” He turned toward Jules, “I’m really sorry about that by the way,” before returning his eyes to mine. “It was messy as hell, with all the blood and everything, but it didn’t stop me now did it Julia? And those orthodontics? They really paid off I think. I let my tongue feel its way around her mouth and I couldn’t find even one out of place. You’ve been quite a good girl, I can tell. Diligent in wearing your retainers.” He sighed, “I like good girls. You know what I like more? Making good girls dirty. Isn’t that right Elliott? You’ve lent your ear my way to hear a tale or two.

“Wouldn’t you agree I’m quite good at that?” He paused, waiting for an answer that wouldn’t come. “Well, I think I am. You’ll actually be able to judge for yourself here Elliott in just a few minutes. Anyway,” he said waving the gun absently, “her hair is quite soft. I’ve never smelled anything so appetizing before. It was a shame it got so bloody and filthy, I had plans to run my knife through it. A souvenir would have been nice. Oh well,” he sighed in disappointment. “Let’s see, what happened next?”

Jules closed hard at the memory of it all and tears poured slowly down her cheeks. He stared at her reaction and it must have reminded him of what he had done next.

“Oh yeah!” He laughed, “Her legs. I must admit Elliott, out of all the legs I’ve slid my hands up, hers were the most enjoyable. She kept trying to squeeze them back together and I was forced to lay my knees against them.

“That took care of that, didn’t it Julia? She may have a few bruises but after that it was no trouble at all to feel what I wanted to feel. Of course, mind you, it was over her jeans, a problem I plan on remedying soon, now that you’re here.

“It was a good thing you came when you did too, because I was really starting to become impatient. I am so enthralled with her. She seems so, what’s the word, uptight. I can’t wait to lay my hands on her.

“That’s something you’ll never get to do, is it Elliott? Rightfully so. I never really understood the hype around you. Technically you were no better at sports than I, but that didn’t matter, it was the position people coveted and they just worshipped you for it, didn’t they?