“Elliott! What is wrong with you?” She laughed. “Go answer the door. My parents aren’t here and I’m not finished getting ready.”

I hesitated but got the door anyway. Jesse was on the other side with something in his hand. I didn’t even greet him. He knew that I didn’t like this one bit.

“What’s that?” I asked.

“None of your business Gray.” He smiled, sticking whatever it was in his back pocket. “Come on buddy! Relax! It’s me!”

“Exactly!” I snapped. Maybe, I am being a bit overprotective. This is Jesse. I’ve known him since I was a baby! So what if he’s been acting strangely lately. I know he’d never step over my line.

I led him to the sitting room.

“Sit,” I barked and he sat, lounging his arms across the top of the sofa, peering about the room before letting out a low whistle. “Damn, Elliott. You bagged a wealthy one didn’t you?”

“Yeah, that’s it Thomas. I ‘bagged’ Jules because somehow this is all going to be mine right?” I gestured to the room.

I leaned against the banister, the wood creaking beneath my weight, as I crossed my arms over my chest.

“God you’re testy. Something botherin’ you man?”

“Why are you doing this Jesse? The truth.”

“Dude, you’ve got to relax!” He sat quiet and narrowed his eyes. “Is this about Tanen’s party? Because I apologized for that already! I’m sorry! How many more times can I say it?”

“This isn’t about Tanen’s party and you know it.”

“ I’m just taking her to a film Elliott. We’ll talk. I’ll get to know her. I’m doing this for you remember? Then, I’ll bring her right back here. No harm. No foul.”

“No! I mean, no,” I added quietly, “You can bring her back to my place afterwards.”

I smiled.

“Okay.” He eyed me carefully, the corners of his mouth turning up. “This is serious for you, isn’t it Elliott?”

“Very.” I walked across the room and stood over him. He didn’t even flinch. I kept my arms crossed. “I don’t feel the necessity to tell you how much I love her Jesse and that if you let one strand of hair on her head get harmed that we’ll have serious problems.”

“If it wasn’t necessary, then why did you even bother to tell me?”

I stared him down but turned toward the hallway when I heard Jules’ padding down the corridor. She was a vision in dark red. Dark red with dark hair. Wow. Jesse stood up next to me and elbowed me.

“Don’t piss me off Jesse,” I gritted through my teeth.

He rolled his eyes at me.

“Hi Jesse!” Jules said.

“Hi beautiful,” he responded.

I could have hit him. He left my side and grabbed Jules to hug her. I really could have hit him.

“That was.....unexpected,” she said with a laugh.

“Well, I figure I’d make a concerted effort. You know? For Elliott’s sake.”

I snorted.

“Here,” he said, “I got you something.”

He pulled a little book from the back of his jeans pocket and handed it to her. She took it and read the title. Her eyes shot wide.