“Oh my God. Just get in the truck,” I said, deflecting my gaze.

I took my keys out and hopped in the cab, put on my seat belt like that was somehow going to keep me from attacking Jules again, started the truck and immediately put it into drive. I glanced at the clock on my dash.

“Oh no! Look at the time Jules!”

“Well, crap. No dinner then. We can’t risk possible traffic. My dad would be pissed if we were late.”

I sighed deeply when we had to stop at a red light.

“I gotta’ get you out of this truck,” I said, laughing nervously.

“I gotta’ get out of this truck.”

She looked at me and I tried my damnedest not to look her way but just could not resist.

“Shit,” I said, reaching for her, only to be restrained harshly by my seat belt.

I unbuckled my belt, threw it in park, and attacked her again, frantically brushing my lips over hers. I buried my face in her neck and breathed in her inviting perfume. I began to whisper in her ear but the car behind us honked their horn that the light had turned green and I was forced back into my seat. I struggled and fought myself to put my seat belt back on all while keeping my burrowing gaze on Jules. I put the truck in drive and didn’t break my stare until the last possible second.

“Maybe it’s because it’s so new,” I offered.

“No. That’s not it. It’s the voltage. It magnifies everything tenfold. It’s always going to feel like this Elliott.”

Jules brushed her bangs from her forehead and kept her hands there trying to get as much air as possible to her face.

“How do you know?” I asked.

“You know too. I felt that you knew.”

“You’re right.”

“What are we going to do Elliott?” Her voice slightly panicked.

“We’re going to figure out a way that this won’t dominate our entire lives. I’m seriously considering bringing Maddy with us everywhere we go.”

We both laughed hysterically.

“But for right now,” I said, “we have to change the subject or I will very soon need to pull over and neither of us wants that.”

“I kind of do,” she whispered under her breath.

“Jules! Don’t tempt me! God!”

“Sorry, but I do.......okay.......where did we leave off earlier. Oh hell,” she realized, “talking music just riles us up. How about our papers? Let’s talk about that.”

“That’s no good.”


“Because our first kiss was at the library where we were writing our papers,” I laughed and drug my hand over my mouth.

“I’ve got a topic for you.”

“I’m all ears love.”

“Mrs. Kitt has been informing on us.”

“What?” I asked, genuinely shocked. That did it.