She picked up my hand and squeezed it. “Would you mind using your nice truck, Spencer, and taking this over to Yellow Creek for me? I think you’re the only one here who knows your way around there, besides Jonah, and I need him.”

“Not at all, Ellie.” I smiled.

“Thank you, baby.” She turned toward Cricket. “Grandbaby, will you go with him and see that Faye’s sister Helen knows all she’s getting from us and what they are worth?”

Cricket’s eyes widened and she looked panicked. She turned to Ethan and his face was expressionless.

She swallowed. “Of course,” she answered.

“Thank you, baby,” she said. “Ethan? Jonah? Will you come help me in the horse stalls for a minute. There’s some readjusting I need done and it’s driving me crazy.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Ethan responded, narrowing his eyes at me.

Jonah and a reluctant Ethan followed her out, leaving Cricket and me alone for the first time in a week. It was beyond awkward.

“I’ll get the truck,” I said, making my way out of the barn.

I thought I was alone until I heard the faint crunch of Cricket’s boots in the leftover snow. I twisted my head just enough to see her behind me but didn’t acknowledge her more than that.

When we reached the truck, I held open the door for her and helped her in as respectfully as I could, still not saying a word. I rounded the front and hopped into the driver’s side, starting the engine. My hand instinctively used the back of her headrest as I backed out, and that made her flinch. I wanted to laugh, but I checked it quickly. Goofy girl.

I slowly made my way toward the old barn and the silence felt deafening. I hopped out and began to gather the things Ellie wanted to donate to the auction, fitting them into the back of the extended cab. At the end, I let Eugie jump in on my side.

The half-hour drive to Yellow Creek was so restrained, the sexual tension so palpable, I almost demanded she roll down her damn window, anything to relieve the strain. I had to drive around the stupid town for five minutes longer than I’d anticipated because I was having trouble finding the old schoolhouse they were using for the auction and dinner.

“Thank God,” we both breathed at the same time when we pulled in.


We hid our smiles and went inside as Eugie followed. We looked for Faye’s sister Helen, but it didn’t seem she was around.

“Truck,” I said and she nodded.

We began unloading everything and laid it next to all the offerings. I hoisted myself up to sit on the edge of the old stage and wait for Helen. Cricket made a move to do the same but she was so short, she couldn’t get her leg over the edge.

“Oh my God,” she said, laughing.

She was giggling so hard she couldn’t get a grip and kept struggling to get up.

“‘Oh my God’ is right,” I teased.

I jumped off and tossed her by the waist onto the edge, making her squeal. Trying hard not to snicker, she adjusted her clothing.

She sighed. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” I said, setting Eugie next to her.

I leaned back on my elbows but she stayed sitting, her hands wedged between her bouncing knees.

“Nervous?” I asked her nonchalantly.

Her knees stopped bouncing. “Uh, no. Are you?”

“Not even in the slightest,” I said coolly.

“That’s good,” she replied.

“It’s great,” I said, teasing her.