“He should really do his own research,” she offered by way of explanation.

“No, when he did that, he picked wrong. That’s why he cheats.”

“Where’s The Garage?” she hedged.

“A good twenty minutes that direction by way of the Tube.” I pointed northeast. “But it’s worth it. Lots of good bands playing tonight.”

“How do you know?” she asked.

“I arranged it.”

“What?” she asked, eyes wide.

“I phoned the manager of the place, told him who I was, well, I may have fabricated my exact position with Seven, but it was all for prosperity mind you, and I got him to book four bands I’ve been dying to hear from the area.”

“You’re pulling my leg!”

“No, I’m definitely not.” My hands would tremble anywhere near her legs.

“That’s amazing! Why’d we even bother at Ronnie Scott’s?”

“Ah, that reason is twofold. You see, Jonah needed to know we were here and that we were only attending The Mark’s performance to appease the label and that we had better things hidden up our sleeves.”

“That’s three reasons.”

“No, I lumped the last two in as one.”

“Oh, I see. Well, lead the way, my diabolical master.”

“This way,” I told her. “Next week’s lesson? How to execute a fiendish cackle while drumming the fingers.”

“Will I need any supplies for the lesson?”

“No, just be sure to rest your voice the night before.”


The Garage was packed beyond belief and I wondered if Jonah was going to show up after all, seeming as it must have been advertised well or perhaps it was word of mouth. I was hoping the latter.


Georgia Asher - Unique in her songs and performance. Highly entertaining.

Influences: Janelle Monae, Fun.

My take: Great musician, contract immediately.

January’s take: “Awesome musician, contract immediately.”

One Lump Or Two - No Doubt rip off. Great live performance.

My take: No way.

January’s take: “Sorry, two thumbs down.”

Compass - Strange instrumentals. Live performance lacking.

My take: Could be good if they added a few more traditional pieces.