“Good God, January,” he began. “I gotta admit, you’ve got to be one of the sexiest women ever. You’re making me think twice about my girl back home.”

“Classy, Jonah.”

“No shit. You are smoking hot. What would you say...”

“Stop!” I said, holding up my hand to get away from his slime. “I wouldn’t mess with you if we were the last two people on Earth and our need to procreate was the difference between the continuation of the world or not. That’s how much I hate you.”


“Absolutely not, Jonah. Take me to the club and leave me the hell alone.”

“Feisty little thing.”

“Ugh! You are beyond creepy.”

When we reached downstairs, there was a car waiting for which I was eternally grateful. The club was only two blocks but I didn’t think I could survive my heels much less Jonah’s incessant come-ons.

We pulled up to the club and true to Tom’s word, there were paparazzi, their cameras flashing at an astronomical rate. I was so freaking nervous, I could vomit. Jonah started to exit the cab but I pushed him back.

“Don’t even think for a second you’re exiting this car in front of me. You’re going to let me leave, then you're going to circle the block so no one knows we rode together.”

“Fine,” Jonah admitted too easily, sitting back.

I stepped out of the car and shut the door behind me, ensuring Jonah wasn’t following. The clicks of lights were blinding and took a moment to become accustomed to. I followed the walk in front of me slowly so as not to trip and made a beeline for the entrance but was stopped short just a few feet into the promotional backdrop. Photographers clambered my direction and insisted on a picture. Fine, I thought, give them a picture to shut them up. They won’t publish a nobody.

I posed as best I could and moved but was stopped again...and again and again. Finally, I made it to the door and broke the threshold feeling part exhilarated, part terrified. Either way I was glad it was over.


I sat just behind the door not expecting to see January for at least an hour. I wasn’t keeping an eye out for her...All right, I was definitely keeping my eye out for her, but I was also doing my job, waiting for one band in particular that I recommended for tonight’s performance and I was eager to talk with them. In other words, eager to get Jonah away from them.

That’s when I saw her and literally lost my balance resting against the door. I scrambled for some semblance of cool but couldn’t tear my eyes away.

“Oh Jesus,” I heard behind me.

I turned to find Jason. “What?” I asked, knowing full well what he meant and who he meant it for.

“I had no idea.”

“I did,” I told him, staring after the most breathtakingly beautiful woman I’d ever seen in person and Christ was she a natural at it. She looked supremely uncomfortable, but I was willing to bet I was the only one who would have been able to tell that in the way she held her arms a little stiffer than usual.

“And you’re in love with her,” Jason said matter-of-factly.

“I am,” I said without reservation, still staring at her.

“This time it’s real,” Jason said, folding his arms and leaning against the wall next to me.

“I know it is.”

“Then why the hell have her come here alone?” he asked me.

“Because...” I offered, not really sure what to say.

“She’s in love with you too,” he said, trying to get my attention but I still was unable to tear my eyes away.

“No, she’s not.”

“The hell she’s not,” he told me. “I was with her all day and I know January. She’s in love.”