“Jeez, chill, Tom. I was just joshing,” she said, elbowing me softly.

“Sorry,” I said absently.

“Where are they playing?”


“Ah, I see.”

“This is a joint effort by several labels, January. There’ll be media there.”


ed the room a bit, pulling my t-shirt over my head as I thought quickly about my plan. I made the mistake of peering her direction. She looked like she could eat me whole. “Don’t.” I laughed hysterically. “Just don’t, January.”

“I’m sorry,” she said as her attractive blush painted across her cheeks.

“Oh, God!” I said, panicked. I ran my hands through my hair over and over. “I’m a glutton for punishment! I’m a masochist! You’ve made me a masochist, J! I’ve been a lot of things but never a masochist.”

“You are not a masochist, dorkwad.”

“I am! I am because I’d rather suffer through this night and every night after with you by my side, so unbelievably attractive and so sexy as hell, and not be able to do anything than not have you here. That’s masochism, January.”

She sat up a little, her t-shirt pooling around her thighs. I had to look away. “And who said we couldn’t do anything?”



“Because you’re a freaking virgin, January.”


“Listen, you don’t just give that shit away especially to guys like me.”

“I happen to think you’re a pretty neat guy. Oh, yeah, and there’s the little fact that I’m in love with you.”

Those words soothed my aching, edgy soul and my breathing instantly steadied. “I love you too,” I told her.

“Then come here. I have something to give you.”

“No, I can’t, January. I can’t.”

“You don’t want it?” she asked, the hurt outlining her entire face.

I fell on the bed beside her. “January, I want it, probably more than I’ve wanted anything in my entire life but not like this.”

“Then how?” she asked softly, her hand reaching up to rest on my face.

I took her left hand with my right and looked down at it, thumbing her ring finger. Her gaze followed mine and she realized what I’d meant. She nodded slightly, smiled sweetly and we settled into bed.

She, wrapped in my arms, and I, wrapped around the third finger of that left hand.

Chapter Ten

The Song Remains the Same
