“Hopefully we pick the same film.”

“This game sucks,” I told him.

“Just play along, January.”

“Fine,” I said, convinced he was going to choose Alien or Indiana Jones.

I debated whether I should just choose whatever film I thought he would want but that was defeating the spirit of the "game."

“Un biglietto per Ritorno al Futuro, per favore?”

The attendant took the card, ran it and I pocketed my ticket.

“Your card, sir.”

He took the card and palmed it in his hand.

“Thank you.”

“I’ll see you inside, then?” I asked, feeling unsure for some reason.

“In just a few. Need anything?”

“No, I can wait until later.”

“All right,” he said, leaning in and kissing my cheek.


As soon as January went inside, I went to the attendant’s window and purchased a ticket to Back to the Future hoping she chose the same one. I slid my card and the ticket inside my wallet. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

“Following us?” I asked Jonah casually as I turned to my left.

He hefted himself off the wall a few yards from the ticket booth, unfolding his arms and taking his sweet ass time to reach me.

“No. Just a coincidence.”

“Right. A coincidence. You know what else might be coincidental?”

“What’s that?” he asked, a dumb smile on his face.

“My fist connecting with your weak ass jaw.”

“Tsk, tsk, Eriksson. Threats? Really? Don’t make me report you to corporate.”

“You’re such a pussy when you say things like that. You know that?”

His only reply was a snort.

“Gonna run off and tell on me, Jonah? Can’t fight like a man?”

“I’m a lover not a fighter, Tom. You know that,” he said, a sarcastic tap on my jaw with his palm.

I gritted my jaw and pulled away from his reach. “Only cowards say shit like that.”

“You always resort to violence, Tom. It’s going to bite you in the ass one day, I think.”

“I’m just not afraid to fight for what I believe in, but you obviously don’t believe in shit seeming as how you’re such a spineless, dishonest asshole. Not that you’d believe me, but I’ve never hit anyone in my life, yet I’m not afraid to start with you, dick. Get the fuck away from me before I’m good on my word.”