“There was more, but after that kiss I can’t remember what I’d said.”

“God, I wish I spoke French.”

“You kiss with quite the French accent.” Zap.

I kissed her again.

“You know, we could just go back to my room and I could watch you speak just as easily there,” I taunted.

“You play to win, Eriksson.”

“I know,” I told her, smacking her cheek with a loud kiss. “We better stay out in public now that I think about it.”

“Okay,” she said, taking my hand. “Lead the way.”

The Eiffel Tower was closed as it was so late in the evening so we stood underneath its belly, drinking in the cool metal and the intricately beautiful architecture. It truly was magnificent, I don't care what anyone says. Yeah, it may not have been the "cool" thing to do in Paris, but it most definitely was worth it to see. The structure was daunting and harsh but was so incredible in its artistry; it fit in so well with the nature around it. It was breathtaking...but not as breathtaking as the girl I was sharing its beauty with.

“I know where I want to go next,” she told me.



“Where?” I asked, not caring about the time.

“We’ll have to cab it. I think it’s far from here.”

“Where?” I asked again.

“Cimetière du Père-Lachaise.”

“And what is the Père-Lachaise?” I asked, butchering the pronunciation. A chuckle built in her throat.

“You’ll see,” she explained, hailing a taxi.

She told the cabbie where to go in French and that earned her a place even closer to my side. Twenty minutes later, we’d arrived.

“It’s a cemetery,” I said gazing out the window.

“That it is, but not just any cemetery. This cemetery has a few famous bodies resting inside.”


“Oscar Wilde, Edith Piaf, Jim Morrison. And that’s just who I can remember off the top of my head.”

“That’s pretty cool, but how are we possibly going to see anything?” I asked, paying the driver.

“I always carry a flashlight in my bag.”

“Why am I not surprised by this?”

“Got me. First stop? Oscar Wilde!”


“Because it’s the only one I know how to find.”

“This is rather adventurous for us. Cemetery. Night.” I accidentally kicked a pebble beneath my shoe and January jumped. “Sounds.”