“I arranged it.”

“What?” she asked, eyes wide.

“I phoned the manager of the place, told him who I was, well, I may have fabricated my exact position with Seven, but it was all for prosperity mind you, and I got him to book four bands I’ve been dying to hear from the area.”

an gasped at our position but caught herself before making too much of a scene. Can’t express too loudly her distaste in us or she would be too closely associated. The remainder of her party looked equally repulsed and that was just comical to me. They were disgusted for just one reason and it had nothing to do with who we were but what we weren’t.

“Don’t look now, MacLochlainn, but I believe we may be shocking these folks with our radical clothing and complete lack of personal space.” And obvious lack of money.

She peered their direction and stood up, smoothing down her skirt and raising her chin to the level of "I don’t care what you think of me," but it did nothing to convince me because her neck was painted a bright red. I hated that she felt embarrassed by being silly, funny, herself. Hated that. Who did they think they were? She was probably infinitely more intelligent than these lemmings as well as talented as hell. She had absolutely nothing to be humiliated about. She was amazing.

I grabbed her hand and we strode confidently through the lobby and out the doors.

“January, can I be candid with you?

“Hmm? Of course,” she said, distracted.

“I find you to be...extraordinary.”

“You do?” she said, a genuine smile touching the corner of her eyes.

“Hell yes, I do. One of the most.”

“Thank you, Tom. That’s very kind of you to say.”

“It’s not kind, it’s the truth. Come on,” I said, wrapping her underneath my arm as we headed for the Tube toward London’s Soho district.

We were headed for Ronnie Scott’s. That’s where The Mark were scheduled to play first at ten. Seven didn’t dictate who we watched or even when or where, but if they made a suggestion, I was going to accommodate, especially if Jonah could be there. Which reminded me.

“If Jonah’s there, we have to play it cool with this,” I said, lifting her hand in mine.

“Okay,” she said, a bit hurt.

“It’s not because I don’t want to shout about it and shit. It’s because if Jonah found out, word would get out and you could jeopardize solidifying a position as a scout, January. I would feel awful if that happened.”

“Oh, okay.” She said, still sounding disappointed.

“Hey,” I said, pulling her short. I placed my hands on either side of her neck to drive the point home. “I swear, January, I’m so into you it’s not even funny. I just can’t compromise you like that. You’re obviously going to earn scout by your own merit, but if anyone at Seven thinks it’s because we’ve gotten together, no one will take you seriously. I just can’t have that. You’re too good for that.”

Her eyes crinkled in a smile. “And what is ‘this’?”


“You said we had to play it cool with ‘this.’ What is ‘this,’ Tom?”

“It’s the beginning, January.”

“Of what?” she asked me seriously.

“We’ll have all the time in the world to talk about that. It’s too deep to get into it right now but know this, I’m tired of pretending. So weary of it. I forgot myself when I lost who I thought Kelly was to me, but you’ve shown me what I think, no, I know no one else could have shown me.”

“And what’s that?”

“That I don’t want to be lost anymore. I - I want you.”

She kissed me then and my tongue found hers. She smacked of innocence and saccharinelike want. Two of the most appetizing flavors I’d ever tasted and knew I’d never get enough of. January was who I wanted and I’d realized in that moment that she eclipsed Kelly with the power of a thousand suns. Thank God for unanswered prayers.

I dragged her with me through Ronnie Scott’s door and squeezed her hand before letting go. We both searched the crowd for Jonah but didn’t see him.