I was staggered by Kelly’s words and could only stand there, staring at my shoes.

“I have to find her,” I said suddenly and bolted out the door.

Everyone followed me out into the hall.

“Wait!” I heard Jason say from behind me. “Don’t you want to know where to find her?”

I turned back around.

“She’s a producer now.”

“No kidding,” I said, happy to hear it, walking backward for a bit before turning back around.

“What does that mean?” I heard my mom ask my dad as I ran for the elevator doors.

“It means she’s a talented, talented girl,” I heard my pop explain to my mom, making me smile. I’d used those exact same words to describe her to Jason in Austin just in a very different context. I had no idea at the time just how true those words really were.

I hit the buttons for the below ground floor on the elevator and my body shook in anticipation.

Cherry came skidding to a halt next to me as the doors slid open and I stepped inside, turning to face her.

“Be patient, Tommy,” She told me. “Remember to be patient.”

I nodded as the doors slipped closed.

The ride down was excruciating. My heart could keep time with a hummingbird’s wing and the sweat began to slide down my neck. I’d never been so nervous in all my life.


I startled. Get it together. I practically sprinted down the hall towards the studios and was brought short by none other than Georgia Asher.


“Good God, man!” she said before realizing it was me. “Oh! Thomas!” she said properly, making me smirk. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m looking for January. Have you seen her?”

Georgia’s shoulders sank in my hands. “I’m afraid she’s left for the night. She came into the studio a few minutes ago complaining she wasn’t feeling well. She’s taken off.”

“Right,” I said, kissing Georgia’s cheek. “See you around.”

“Bye then!” she said, waving at me with a sweet smile. I loved Georgia.

I returned to my office deflated. When I opened my door, I was bombarded by women.

“What happened? Where is she? What’s going on?” They all chimed in at once.

“Give the guy some room!” Callum said.

I backed off a bit and rubbed my forehead, leaning against the edge of my new desk. “She wasn’t there. She left for the day, said she felt ill.”

“She’s not ill,” Cherry said.

All the girls seemed to agree, including my mom.

“She’s upset,” Harper added, nodding happily. “This is good.”

“What? That’s awful!” I told them.