He sat down and picked up the phone. He was done with us.

Jason ushered us out of the room and closed the door behind us.

“What the hell just happened there?” I asked Jason.

“Congrats, Tom.”

“Thanks? I’m confused.”

“Jonah’s gone. Turns out you were the right man for the job all along. I’d told Peter that a million times but he’s such a stickler for his own stupid rules...Anyway, congrats.”

“I’m wiggin’ out here, Jason.”

“Stop questioning it. Just roll with it, dude.”

I thought about it for a moment. “Fine. I mean, this is fantastic news. Everyone will love that I’m here to stay.”

“Speaking of everyone,” he said. “Come with me.”

We took the elevator down two floors down and I absently remarked that Peter never did apologize, though for what, I didn’t know. Jason thought that hilarious.

“Follow me,” Jason coolly said, walking past the floor receptionist and waving.

I gazed at all the office doors on that floor and noted they were all a serious frosted glass and ten feet high. “What exactly is my new salary?” I asked Jason, staring at the names on the plates beside each door.

We stopped at the last one on the floor and it read Thomas Eriksson. I almost burst out laughing.

“I had Suzanne rush that for you.”

“Who the hell is Suzanne?”

“Your secretary. It’s six figures.”

“Huh?” I asked, inspecting my nameplate.

“Your salary? It’s six figures.”

“Shut the eff up,” I told him as he swung the door to my office open.

“Surprise!” I heard in chorus.

Inside my barren office was my entire family. My mom, dad, sister, Cherry and Charlie, Callum and Harper, and all the rest of the gang, including Kelly and Carter. My eyes began to sting with how happy I was to see them all in one place and I shook it away, clearing my throat. Harper was closest and threw her arms over my neck.

“Tom, congratulations!” She told me, tears streaming down her face.

“Thank you,” I choked back. “Thank you, everyone.”

I noticed my mom in the corner and pushed my way to her. “Mom,” I said, hugging her tightly.

I felt like a little kid. I needed my mom so badly in that moment. I needed her to tell me it was all going to be okay.

“Congratulations, my darling boy,” she said, and I could feel her tears fall on my shoulder.

“I love you, Mom.”

“I love you too.”

“Dad,” I said, moving to him and hugging him fiercely. “It’s so good to see you.”