“This is beautiful,” she whispered, her hair dragging across her face as she leaned further out the window to admire the balcony’s garden.

“Yeah, Charlie writes all of his songs out here.” I turned toward Harper. “Lots of inspiration.”

She grinned.

“Laundry?” She asked.

I can’t help but chuckle. “What is it with us and clean clothing?”

“We’re hygienic, I guess?”

“Yeah, again, you never know when we’ll get the chance to clean them again. I’m what you call, ‘opportunistic’.”

“I can relate.” She sighed. “Trust me, I can relate.”

“How about this,” I offered. “We shower and all that jazz, get ready for Cherry’s show, take our stuff and do a load, then head to The Bowery.”

“Deal. I’ll go first so I can dry my hair.”

“You’re hilarious.”

o;Hmm,” he said, eyeing me carefully. “Is okay! You are here now!” He started to walk away but he stops, noticing Harper standing next to me and obviously taken with her.

“Martin, this is Harper. Harper, Martin,” I said, introducing them to one another.

He offered his hand and Harper took it. Martin kissed the back of her hand, making me roll my eyes. “A pleasure,” he said.

“The feeling’s mutual,” Harper said, charming him down to his leather clad feet.

He could only stare at her. She’s a natural magnet.

“Uh,” I interrupted, “Harper and I are looking to see if you’re looking for any help.”

“Of course! Always!” He said, breaking his stare from Harper.

“Martin, what are you talking about? You’ve turned me down several times for getting here too late.”

“But you’ve never brought me such a charming creature before.”

Harper winked at me but I can only sarcastically roll my eyes while Martin starts to walk off.

“Okay, we’ll need to get you an apron,” I said to Harper but Martin stops short.

“Uh no, Harper can host this afternoon. You can bus tables.”

Too tired to argue with him, I nodded in agreement.

“Introduce her to the other girls up front then come back and Rodrigo will give you your apron.”

“Okay,” I said and began to lead Harper toward the front of the restaurant.

Harper looks up at me. “I’d rather bus tables with you,” she whispered, pulling me short halfway toward the podium. Her hand rested on my forearm, sending a concentrated heat to my shoulders and it fell into my chest. “I mean, I’ll be okay up there and everything but I just wanted you to know that I’d rather be with you today.”

I looked down at her face and grinned. “Duh, Harper. I want you with me today, too. If Rodrigo could speak English, I’d make him take your place.”

We both laughed.

“I mean, seriously, it’s okay, I just, well, sort of wanted you to know that I can’t wait until this is over with so we could hang out a little more,” she admitted, red cheeks and all.